[[Please read, is important ]] My last memory, my last thoughts...

[[Alright so as some, well most of you already know, YongGuk has been Brainwashed by Luhan ( one of the main GMs). For the past two days, YongGuk has been losing more and more of his memories. This is being caused by a bug that was sent into his brain and now is eating all his memory until theres only the awful memories of his district and his life back home. So pretty much, all his memory of every being in the games, shall be erased, including every one he's ever met in these games as well. All gone. *POOF* He will return to the angry, violent mindset he came in with in the beginning of game two. And you guys thought he was bad now *evil smile* just wait, it gets worse >:D Now after being in the games for so long, YongGuk has changed allot. Its odd in a way, but YongGuk actually got nicer, learned the value of friendship, found other emotions other then anger, learned what it meant to love someone (and not in the romantic way, hes still clueless on that -.-) So to string up the emotions of you all, I thought I would end his finally memories here and express his hopes in dreams, before there all forgotten. Please enjoy and I hope you do read it! Or at least this^^ ]]


[[Picking up after his last post at the Ortus....]]

YongGuk blinked a few times before fully digesting the fact that he had so much in his victor pack. His eyes planed up to see Sunny falling into a deep sleep, or what he thought was sleep. He caught her last words, before her eyes shut, 'I didn't have much time to tell anything.." Her words slurred, but YongGuk didn't suspect anything, just drowsiness. Sighing softly, he focused back on his pack, pulling up some of the content from inside. "Ooh" He gasped slightly, taking out the first aid kit and remaining roles of gauze. Perfect! Yongguk thought, the situation looking a little brighter now that he had every thing he needed. He lifted his hand from his wound and tended to it slowly. Once done with his gashed shoulder that was covered in dry blood, he tended to his other, mostly healed wounds. He wondered how he got them, but the remembered how Sunny told him that he had made many enemies over the course of time. These wounds were probably from them, but YongGuk refrained from thinking about it to much. If I try to remember, it will only hurt more. He repeated in his mind and finished his slightly sloppy work of rapping his wounds. YongGuk then yanked up a tasty smelling bento box and to his surprise, he found it full and still warm. He felt his mouth water as his eyes widened. "Don't think about how you got it, just enjoy." He muttered to himself, not wanting to think about how he managed to receive such a gift and instead dug into the meal. He first devoured the fried rise, then moved onto the pieces of pork. He almost could hear the food drop into his empty stomach. Not eating for so long, made YongGuk in gulf his food even faster. "Mmmh" He exclaimed in response to the delicious tasing foods. But YongGuk wasn't greedy. He saved a boiled egg along with most of the brown rice for sunny once she awoke. Sighing again, he patted his very full stomach and leaned his head to the wall. The feeling of sleep crept up in his mind. No! He shouted mentally. It seemed that every time he slept, he forgot more. No! No! I don't want to forget Sunny. I don't want to forget Jonghun..I don't. Maybe occupying my mind with other thoughts will help? His mind was growing weary and begged for happier thoughts. Its not like he had any happy memories left, though. All he had were ones of his terrible life at District 11. Those memories only made a grim expression appear on YongGuk's face. Then a new topic acquired in his mind. My future. What will happen to me? What might I want to do with my life, who would I want to spend it with? This was all depending if he ever did made it out of these games, though, but he decided to only cling to the thought that he would. YongGuk centered his head in a nook that was eched into the wall behind him. Yongguk's thoughts then continued. He pondered about how many kids he wanted to have, and yes YongGuk dreamed of the day he could have a child of his own. To hold close to him and always protect. He would vow to be the parent his own parents never were. Some one he could spend his life with. That very person who would define love for YongGuk and make him fall to his knees submerged in the feeling. Love. How would it feel? His eyes drifted to Sunny's peacefully sleeping face. A warm smile dancing on to his lips. Sunny made him feel warm, like the sun in her name. 

[[Okay, now time for the sad music  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMDtYeKYhLQ&feature=my_liked_videos&list=LLrAH4fLvCE1rs4h-TW3ZmFA ]]

"I don't want to forget you. I don't want to forget....." He muttered under his breath. Knots tightened up in his stomach at the very thought he feared. I've already forgotten so many. That mute boy, who loved YongGuk like a brother, a hyung. The sad girl known as Taeyeon. The red head, Bom. People who loved him.  Something YongGuk never thought was possible. Theres Sunny, his first ever ally. The one he tried to kill as first sight, now protected with his life. Jonghun, who opened YongGuk's eyes like no one had ever done before. Hie first friend, the first to except YongGuk. Would they all be gone as well? A wave a sadness and fear washed over YongGuk, drowning him. I don't want to forget. For the first time ever, YongGuk was seriously scared, depressed if you may. He felt a wateriness blur his vision. What is this? YongGuk put his hand to his warm cheek, that now had a salty liquid trailing down it. Are these tears? He questioned. Only once before had YongGuk cried and that was when his parents never came home, disappearing forever. But his brother beat him shortly afterwards to insure that was never to happen again. Ever. Yet now they arrived, these tears. I don't want to forget any more. He whispered to himself. Please.....

Before he knew it, a stream of song lyrics poured into his head, wanting to escape his lips. Humming softly first to ease his mind, then letting the lyrics follow afterwards. They sounded horse at first, but soon his deep, mellow voice found ist rhythm.

"There’s still a light there.

I’ll deeply retain the times we had together.
Even if pain comes over time,
The promise I made for the rest of my life,
I won’t ever forget that moment until the end.


The scars you get from pleading; I’ll live my life in a corrupt way.
Even long after our farewell,
In the end, all I had left was the promise we made, which doesn't’t exist now.
That was often the reason to why I’m where I am now.
I let that day slip through my hands,
Don’t ever look at me again.
I’ll believe that you feel the same way I do.
I won’t ever forget. Yes, I remember.....

YongGuk rapped quietly to himself. For some reason it brought a peace to his wrecked mind. " Yes, I remember." But he really didn't. Once cherished memories, now where gone. Soon the very last of what little happiness remained, would too, be another lost memory. YongGuk had to face that, but refused. I don't want to forget...

Making a promise together,
Forever (I’ll keep it here)
Even if I have to walk this road alone, temporarily,
I’ll show you everything I’ve got...

His rap, soon turned into a thing for reassurment. He often used to rap/sing in the fields in his district. It shielded his troubled thoughts, like a safety blanket, away from his mind. Calming him enough, to the point where he closed his eyes. NO! He shouted mentally, as he forced his eyes to shoot open again.  I don't want to forget. But soon YongGuk's tired body didn't give him a choice. His eye lids shut again, YongGuk still humming to himself.

Even if I close my eyes, I still see us.
There’s still a light there.
I’ll deeply retain the times we had together.
Even if pain comes over time,
The promise I made for the rest of my life,
I won’t ever forget that moment until the end.
I Remember.....

The need for sleep soon silenced YongGuk from rapping further. "I don't want to forget..." He whispered, so quietly, that the air around him drowned out his own voice. But soon came the time where YongGuk did fall asleep. Only then will he awake to have lost all memory of the games, of his friends, of everything.  And once YongGuk's body fell into a trance, the bug that was planted in his brain got to work. Eating away till finally nothing was left. YongGuk was like a new tribute again or at least mentally. He had forgotten, but not by choice, no. YongGuk will never again know that feeling of friendship he had with Jonghun, nor the erg to protect Sunny and Kwangmin, nor will he enjoy Bom's soft hand his red hair nor, the rebelliousness he strived for when he went against the President with Dara, nor the feeling of winning game two. No, those those memories were all gone now.....

[[END. YongGuk is now fully brainwashed! When you see him next, don't expect his to remember you! Also, lyrics are from I remember, by Bang Yong Guk, kind of ironic, huh?Okay, thank you for reading and good bye *waves*^^ ~love you all~]]



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Well done. I remember how hard it was to handle Mir when he lost all his memories (in one go, though). It was so hard to get my head around it and how he would feel >.<
This is sad... :(
homigah that was so sad ;AA;
haneul will miss him too </3
*le psy*
HG_SandaraPark #4
OTL I haven't even met you in the arena since what happened in the Stabulum T^T...
Meeeehhhh </3
;w; everything has gone bye bye
HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*runs into the emo corner and cries forever T_T* Gonna miss yah ! God damnit ! <3 Kwangmin will miss you! So freaking much ! That his corrupt brain will explode ! Yonggukie >.< Aish.. that song is so amazing and i gonna die in that emo corner O.o LOVE YOU!
How could Yongguk forget that he saved Youngjae's life?! DDDDDD':