My Cousin Drew Chanyeol :D

So like, my cousin and I haven't talked to each other in a while since school started. She was telling me how her friend liked EXO and that her friend gave her a drawing of Chanyeol to her. She's like "Wanna see?" So I'm like sure. She sent me a pic and I just start spazzing and fangirling, LOL. 


Then I told her it was really beautiful. And my exact words were, " OMG, I can't. Like my feels for that girl's skills. This drawing is soooo awesome." And a bunch of other fangirling words xD

And then my cousin was like, "I lied to you. It really wasn't my friend, it was me. Sorry <3"


LOLOL JKJK. And that's when I really started screaming. Usually my cousin draws manga/ anime stuff so I was really surprised when she drew this. She told me she actually started drawing real life things only 2 days ago.


I kept complimenting her and shizz and she's a pretty humble and modest person, so she kept denying everything. I seriously wish I can show you guys the picture but she will kill me if she finds out that I did :P She doesn't want anyone to save the photo, reblog it, steal it, and stuff, so I can't show people T^T.

Then while I was talking to her about casual stuff, she goes "Want me to draw you a picture of your bias?"

And that's when I died. LOL 


I was like smashing the keyboard, flipping the tables, rolling like a buffalo, and everything, xD

I'm like, "YES. YES. YES." Then she told me to choose a photo of my favorite picture of any bias then to send it to her. So I tried to fish out my favorite photo (out of like 500+) of Baekhyun and send it to her.

After like 30 minutes later, she sent me the basic outlines and a few drawn details of Baekhyun. Let me tell you, I couldn't stop like fangirling xD. I can't wait to see the finished product! 


And this was the highlight of my not so crappy day lmfao ^O^

I'll try my best to convince her to post the pictures of Chanyeol and Baekhyun here :D

Sorry if you guys were expecting a picture D:

Until next time guys.......


MiYoung out, like an awkward llama ;D


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Mo0onyDolls #1
Well I was kinda expecting a picture but it's ok if she don't wanna share i mean you can have all the fangirling to your self >_> YAH!! SHARE THE PICTURE!! -___- kekeke
fireworks151 #2
Yo you have to show me another time =.=