Chess vs. Wanted: Skylar 'Sky' Moon

Personality: Very bipolar and changes his mood constantly. He hates waiting and wants what he wants when he wants it. He isn't afraid to speak his mind and usually acts before he thinks. He is lazy and doesn't do much unless he really wants to do something. He is two-faced and isn't afraid to show it. He doesn't care about what others think about him. No one knows that he has photographic memory or heterochromia.

Dislikes: Physical pain, Crying, Waking up early in the morning, Lound, unexpected noises, His photographic memory, His heterochromia

Likes: Animals, Sleeping, Stars, Reading, Roller coasters, Flowers, Mysteries, Coffee, Music, Skinship, Colored contacts, Daydreaming, Looking at the sky, Stars

Hobbies: Reading, Listening to music, Dancing, Playing guitar, Sleeping, Making others mad, Doing nothing, Making others do things for him

Habits: Bites bottom lip when worried, upper lip when amused, Sleeping, Looking at stars, Pouting when he doesn't get what he wants, Making others mad, Ignoring others, Going on the internet, Puting a star inside a cloud when signing autographs, Being informal (doesn't call people noona or hyung)

Phobias: Heights, Clowns, Others finding out about his heterochromia and photographic memory.

Background: Born in a semi-rich family and found that he had photographic memory at 7. Lost his parents and twin brother at 10. Moved in with best friend and worked as a waiter to pay his friend's family, but they wouldn't take the money.


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