Seung Ri.. VIPs are here for you.

From: Rue An


Suengri-yah... I know you won't even read this.. But, I just want to let you know that we VIPs are here.


I do not care about that scandal. True or not, I will always be by your side.. Supporting and cheering you on no matter what. 


Please be strong. :( It will really hurt me to see you crumble down, hurt and crying.


I do not want to see baby panda like that. :(( Please be strong..


For you, for Big Bang and for all the VIPs. :"(



To: Baby Panda Seung Ri


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Well, I was surprised with the media interfering with Idols ual life. I mean, SO WHAT if they had a ? Most people needs that. Some says, all. But isn't it too much?

And for that stupid woman, how dare her to complain publicly??? Doesn't she have the proper education? Just for fame she will make someone suffer? If i could just choke her to DEATH!!! Aish!

I really hope seungri oppa will be more strong to overcome this situation and i do really wish him to become more careful now with women. Girls will be girls. They can ruin anyone for their own needs.

But not all! *i'm a girl lol* But this is just my opinion~ :)
The woman has nerves to be complaining and saying stuff like that to the press. Even artists have their own private life, and one more thing, for her complaining about why he didn't even kiss her?!

DUDE, men kiss girls they love, not just girls whom he picks out anywhere. and MEN HAS NEEDS. THE WOMAN WAS trying to make a scene and be famous!
I dont care if the news is true or not(hope so) cause i will support Big Bang forever. I love Big Bang.

that girl just want to make a scene.the hell.
if this news is true or not..i will say..
kekeke... Seungri didnt do anything wrong.
he's a man and he has needs.
and the girl is sooo thick-faced b*tch!
She's the girl and yet she kiss and tell..
what the hell right?
and i LOLed at her story..
seungri choke her ... kekeke..
and reading her interview.. says that
seungri didnt respect her..
but hey seungri know how to respect the 'right' people..
she's sooo thick-faced telling that!
she's the girl so she must embarrased telling about that..
but what? she tells it to someone esp. to media..
tsk... reading this news.. i automatically think that
the girl wants 'popularity' by bedding an idol !