2ne1 rocking Mr. & Ms. Trinitians with 'I Love You'

This is just so IRONIC.


I was sitting at the back bleachers of our gym.. You know, sitting there just for the sake of sitting and watching the pageant..


Being KPOP deprived and everything..


when 'I Love You' of 2ne1 suddenly played.



And I was like:

Did they like just play KPOP in there?!


This is very good news. ;A:

I rejoiced along with my fellow KPOP lovers. ;A;

this is just unbelievable. ;A;



But wait a minute..

How come after bashing KPOP they would play KPOP?

I mean.. REALLY. 


Well, I can't blame them. KPOP really is the best. :

But I still can't contain my feels. Dying and moping of too much happiness. ;A;





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