Kpop Survey (Stolen by mangogogo)



Pick 5 of your favorite Kpop Groups (most favourite as first) and answer the following questions about them:

1. 2PM

2. F(x)

3. Infinite

4. EXO-K

5. Big Bang

Who is your favorite person from #2:


Who is your least favorite from #1:

Don't kill me but...I have to say Junsu....But really I love all of them <3

What is your favorite song from #3:

"Before the dawn"

What is your favorite era from #5:


How long have you been a fan of #1:

4 long years baby~~~!

Bias in #5:

Seungri <3

Favorite music video in group #4:

"MAMA" that's pretty cool even though it is a little odd (OMGEEE with the intro!)

How did you find out about #3:

My friend hahaha (she's in love with them <3)

Favorite thing about group #1:

The Adorable Beastly Idols!!!!!

Most played song on your cellphone/ Ipod from group #2:

Electric Shock

Rank favorite to least from #1, #2, #3:

1. 2PM

2. Infinite

3. F(x)

Whats your favourite variety shows from: #1, #3:

#1:Wild Bunny and 2PM SHOW 3:I have no idea hahaha

If you could be anyone from #4 who would you be?:

Kai Because the guy is a Dance machine!!!!

Who do [would] you hang out the most with in #5:

Seungri. He seems like he can break the awkward wall really easily. 

What would you change about #3:

Their music style. "Be Mine" and "The Chaser" was kind of similar, but they were still enjoyable. I'd like to see them perform a different kind of music, though. :)

Would a collab with #2 and #5 work?:

Think so. It should. X)

Who would you want to meet the most in #3:

L! L! L!

If you had to choose between seeing #4 or #2 who would you choose?

EXO-K I would get to see my bias (D.O) hahahaha



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