Tℎe ℱℴur Sℯasons ❄☂☼☁ - Haneul's application

Park, Haneul | Application



Username: KittyKatNinja4eva

Profile Link: Click!

What I should call you?: Kat

Activeness: 10


Getting To Know You

Character Name: Park | Haneul

Nickname(s): Sassy - Her family and friends. Sass Angel - Her Father. Sasha - It's her English name and it goes well with Sassy. Umma - Her roommate.

Age + Date of Birth: 20 | March 21

Occupation: She works full-time at a toy and accessories store named 'All the Little Things...' This store sells toys, accessories like jewelry, for hair, and key-chains, and has many idol related items.


She's outgoing, bold, lively and full of spirit. There's never a dull moment when she's around. She can be quite random at times and has been known to burst into song here and there.
She has a tendency of speaking her mind even if it's rude or brutally honest. Though she does try to be not so hurtful with her words. She's not the one to beat around the bush and likes to just come out with it. She also very respectful towards others. She likes making sassy remarks A LOT which has earned one of her nicknames.
She's really affectionate and caring towards her friends, and family. She's a thoughtful and open-minded person that likes to see the glass half full.
She can be quite determined when she has her mind set on something. Some people would just say that she's stubborn. She's really devoted to her career and doesn't take it for granted. She's also cooperate to work with. She's doesn't tolerant any whining, tantrums or any disrespect.
She's can be a bit of a germ a phobe at times. She showers every morning and right before going to bed. She tends to wash her hands a lot especially before eating. She always carries hand sanitizer. She does most of the cleaning in the house. But she won't clean her roommate's rooms. She likes doing the laundry because she finds it relaxing.
She's also really motherly towards her roommate. Earning the nickname Umma. She hates getting up early and is usually the last one to wake up. When she is tired she tends to behave like a zombie minus the flesh eating part. But if you annoy her when she's in this state she will bite you. If she's around someone that she dislikes then she ignores them and keeps her distance.


  • Strawberries
  • Sweets
  • Hello Kitty
  • Butterflies
  • Animals and Nature
  • Anime and Manga
  • Lip Gloss and Shoes
  • Fashion and Shopping
  • Listening to music
  • Playing the piano


  • Criminals
  • Too much pink
  • Waking up too early
  • The cold
  • Pineapples and spinach
  • The quiet
  • Annoying people


  • Yoga and Pilates
  • Shopping!
  • Reading manga and watching anime
  • Drawing cartoons, anime and animals
  • Listening to music
  • Playing piano


  • Cockroaches
  • Getting yelled at
  • Porcelain dolls, Wooden puppets, and the like
  • Clowns


  • Tends to talk to herself and animals a lot
  • Bursts into song at random times
  • Cleaning
  • Plays with her hair and nails when bored or nervous
  • Bites lower lip when nervous, scared or about to cry
  • Cries easily


  • Usually has these items with her: favorite leather jacket, her backpack with many key chains, her iPhone with it's leopard print case, and one of these Hello Kitty headphones
  • Her belly area and feet are very ticklish
  • Has her belly button pierced and her ears pierced twice
  • Has a large collection of Hello Kitty, anime and manga, lip gloss, and shoes
  • Favorite colors are blue, silver, purple, and green
  • Has never had her first kiss
  • Has three tattoos:  Back of her neck  |  Right wrist  |  Left wrist 
  • Wears a ring that was given to her from her Great Grandma
  • Blood Type O positive
  • Ideal Type would be a tall, sweet, smart and handsome boy who would like to play piano with her or for her
  • Her talents also include drawing and playing piano
  • Has very good flexibility


You Look Beautiful

Ulzzang: Baek Su Min

Links:  One  |  Two  |  Three  |  Four  |  Five 

Backup Ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye

Links:  One  |  Two  |  Three 

Clothing Style:

Casual: Colorful tops, mostly tank-tops, t-shirts, blouses, and hoodies. Neutral colored cardigans. Skinny jeans, colored skirts, leather skirts, or leather pants. Her favorite leather jacket of course. Colored, black, gray, or metallic heels, flats, sandals, boots, wedges, and sneakers. Colored, black, white, or gray casual dresses paired with leggings.  1  2  3  

Formal: Colored blouses paired with dress pants or skirts with heels or flats. A classy dress paired with heels.  1  2  3 
Training: Loose fitting shirts, tank-tops, sports bras, cropped tops and hoodies. Baggy sweat-pants, shorts or leggings.  1  2  3 
Sleep-wear: Oversized t-shirts paired with leggings or short-shorts. Cami tank-tops, silk bottoms or night gowns.  1  |  2  |  3 

House-wear: Sweat-pants, short-shorts, jeans and pj bottoms. Cami tank-tops, loose long sleeve tops and sweaters.  1  |  2  |  3


No Use Crying Over Split Milk

Childhood:  Haneul was born in Tokyo and lived there with her parents till she was 4 years old. At that time her father had gotten a better job offer in Seoul, making the family move there. Soon after her mother give birth to a baby boy. They haven't moved since and decided to stay there. Her father was busy a lot but he always tried his best to make time for his family. Because Haneul is so sensitive her father would always sit her on his lap, wrap his arms around her and rub soothing circles on her back whenever she was upset, scare or crying. He was always there for her and her family.

Her mother always supported her no matter what and loved to remind her that she loved them so much. Her mother taught her how to cook and play piano. Her younger brother views Haneul as the younger sibling because of how very protective he feels about her and their mom just like their father does. It doesn't help that he is a lot taller than her.

She moved out when she was 18 into a two-room apartment. She had an old roommate but that roommate had to move to a place that was closer to her university. Tora just recently moved in and the two have hit it off great!

Important Events: When she was 5 she was over at a friend's house for a sleepover. During the night while her and her 3 friends were fast asleep some drunk guy ended up throwing a brick in anger and that brick went right through the window of the bedroom where the girls were sleeping. The brick ended up hitting Haneul in the back. Her and her friends woke up screaming and crying. Haneul was rushed to the hospital that night. She only ended up with a large bruise on her back where the brick had made contact. This is the reason why she can't sleep by a window.

When she was 15, she lost her best friend due to a drunk driver. She misses her friend terribly to this day and has never forgotten her. The date of her death is February 12. This is why friends and friendship is so important to her.


What A Family

Mother: Park Sorano | 45 | Housewife | alive

Relationship with her: They have a very loving relationship. Her mother is always worrying about her health and makes sure that she eats well. She is also very supportive of her. She taught Haneul how to cook and the two love to cook together. Haneul knows that her umma is a push-over but never takes advantage of it. None of the family members do. Haneul knows that she can tell her mom anything and that greatly comforts her.

Father: Park Chul | 47 | CEO of a financial firm | alive

Relationship with him: They too have a strong father-daughter relationship. He is very protective of her and she has to let him know where she is most of the time. She gives him her daily schedule which helps comfort him. He may not show it but he worries about his daughter a lot. Sometimes this frustrates her but she knows that is his way of showing his love. He is always there to comfort her and give her strength.

Sibling: Brother; Park Chin-Mae | 15 | High School Student | alive

Relationship with him: They have a love-hate relationship. They love to tease each other without going too far. He too is very protective of Haneul, just like their father. He's the one that sizes up any guys that are around her to see if they're a threat or anything. He likes to chase away the guys from her.

Other Family: n/a


Social Circles Are Important

Best Friends: Key | 20 | Good at saying honeyed words, but hearing lines like “Are you hurt? I am hurting too.” makes him burst out in laughter. He has a love-hate relationship with horror movies and horror stories. Is confident that he can be a gourmet chef, nobody can escape his dumplings trap. The group’s No.1 in fashion. Has phobia of heights. | SHINee

Tao | 19 | Very conservative person, and he's also a very emotional and sensitive guy. | Exo M

Friends: Taemin | 19 | He's shy at first but when he warms up to you he'll be talkative and funny. He wants to be called manly instead of cute to fit in with his hyungs. | SHINee

Suho | 21 | His personality is exemplar, polite and considerate. He pushes for peaceful conversations to solve problems and always buys the members delicious things. He’ll even check in with each and every member to see if they have any worries or concerns. | Exo K
Chanyeol | 19 | He’s a romantic person. He is a bright guy with a positive personality. When you’re by his side, you just start laughing no matter what. | Exo K
Lee Tora | 18 | Tora has a really bubbly personality and can be quite childish and immature. But she can be serious when needed. She's also super cute. She's very scared of spiders and Haneul is the one that she replies on to get rid of the eight-legged-freaks as what she calls them. | She is Haneul's roommate and also works full-time as a waitress at a popular restaurant.

Enemy: CL | 21 | She doesn't really hate CL. It's more like she is envious of her. She believes that CL is flawless as a woman. | 2NE1


WINTER - get cheered up and meet someone new | lose a love but gain a new one

SPRING - first love that lasts | fleeting love to remember

SUMMER - take a break from love | take care of a long distance love

FALL - let go of a love | take a break and meet a new love


Let's Fall In Love

Lover: Wu Fan (Kris) | EXO-M

Age: 21

Personality: He's very social and can talk to anyone. He knows magic tricks. He's the fashion king of Exo M. Looks really cool, but is actually an innocent, obedient and naive guy.

Backup Lover: Zhang Yi Xing (Lay) | EXO-M

Age: 20

Personality: He’s rather naughty, but he’s really funny at times too. He is really forgetful. He is the cooking “umma” in EXO-M, even when there’s nothing to do, he will cook.


It Was Nice Talking To You

Suggestions/Scene Requests: None at the moment.

Questions/Comments: No questions and Fighting!



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