
001 name ;

Lee Kyumin 

002 affiliation ;

Idol -LED apple-

003 teacher or student ;


004 social class ;


006 writing sample;

Kyumin sighed, leaning on the trunk of the sakura tree and watched the pink petals fall gently to the ground. He saw a group of guys walking towards him and he looked down, trying to avoid attention. They passed by without much thought and Kyumin sighed again. He reached up and picked one of the small flowers from the branch, which was an easy effort for his sort of height, and let it rest on the palm of his hand. He saw it blow away, getting caught by the wind and stared at it floating lightly with the breeze. He checked the time and gasped. He was late for the club meeting. The Elites were going to kill him. 

It took at least another ten mintutes for him to get to the dance studio. When he did, the Joon was already onto him. Kyumin stayed respectful and silent as Joon scolded him with the most harsh words in his volcabulary. Kyumin didn't speak or show fear in any way. This was the way he usually was, quiet and not doing anything that wasn't mandatory. Joon quickly gave up, knowing the type of person Kyumin was, and got back to the short meeting. 


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