I'm a Demigod Apply


♦ I'm A Demigod 



Contact info 

Username ♦  Kpoplove95

​Profile link ♦  http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/73698

​What do I call you ♦ Tae




Character Info 

​Character name ♦  Byun Baek Hee

Nickname ♦​  she-devils,BayKee,Angel(by his twin),Doll

​Age and date of birth ♦  17 years old : 9 February 1995

Hometown ♦​  Busan,South Korea

​Ethinicity ♦ Korean

​Languages (no more then 5 ) ♦ english ,korean and greek

Godly parent ♦  Apollo

Powers ♦​  light,healing and music sometimes prophecy




Ulzzang's name ♦ Ryu Hye Ju

Pic's (5 + )  

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Back up ulzzang name 

Pic's (3+) 

Clothes (description and links if your character has tattoos or piercings please describe of find links of what they look like) 

she like to wear something simple but fashionable.She doesnt like y thing.As long as the cloths is comfortable fashionable she will wear it.

1 / 2 / 3

 this ia her tattoo she got that symbolise fox which means cold and mysterious.The tattoo is at right behind her right shoulder.




Personality (be creative and lots of info) ♦

    She is popular in school with her devil self.She is cold,harsh and doesnt has emotion.She doesnt care what people think of her as long she has her twin,Byun Baek Hyun and bestfriends with her.People always mistaken her as s0omeone who is arrogant but actually she is not.She just act like that with a reason of course.

    She likes to music a lot maybe its come from her father.She has amazing talent in music.She can achieve more than 6 octave vocal.She also like to play music instrument like piano,guitar,violin,flute and many more.

    She also has a look like badass angel.She has looks,brain and talent.Everyone ideal victim.She doesnt like how people always act in front of just because of her wealth.Thats why she always show negative act just want to shoo them away but of couse there still many more who came after that.

    In front of her twin and best friend she is a pure angel.She always care for her twin since kid cause their mother always busy with the company. She hate when someone harm her love one.

    Despite her strong outer appearnce she actually is weak.She cant fight but she always fight with her sharp toungue.She never lose.But when there is a fight she always been saved by her close members.Thats why she has low confident.But the most important is she is great in healing.Shecan saves many injury or virus.

Background  ( creative and lots of info ) ♦

    She come from a rich family.She has mother and twin brother which is complete opposite of her.Her family has many music related company.The music lover family. Maybe thats why her father like her mother.She and baekhyun is very close.

   Long ago she is a cheerful girl but when she know that one of her bestfriend is betraying her she slowly change to her negative self.Her friend want to be friend with her because she is rich thats  why she doesnt like to make friend except the one she has right now.She relly love them and will not allow anthing harm them even she will sacrifice herself.

​Have you met your godly parent yet♦ No

​Likes (4+) ♦



-green stuff

-chocolate and oreo


- friendship

-percy jackson books

​Dislikes (4+) ♦

- arrogant people

- dirty and messy

- pink

- dolls

​Fear (1+) ♦

- sea but in the process of overcome it.(her fiance is son of poseidon so she Must overcome it)

Habits (3+) ♦

- stay like a statue when she sad

-play with her hair when she nervous

-cant be control when she angry unless there is her twin or her fiancee

​Anything special your character has ♦ She master in acupunture.



​Famliy ( name | age | job |God or human| how you act with each other| and how is he/she related to you  ♦

Apollo | - | -| God | never met | father

Byun Hae Mi | 40 | The Owner of Byun Company | Human | like a normal mother and daughter interaction | mother

Byun Baek Hyun | 17 | Student | half blooD | very close to each other.Always care and together with ech other | twin


​Friends (2+ Name | age | Godly parent | powers | how you act with the person ) ♦

Son Na Eun | 17 | Aphrodite | charm speaker | Always cheerful and understandable.

Bang Yong Guk | 20 | Haephestus | can  control fire and make mechanical things alive | like a dongsaeng and he is the brother

Lee Sung Yeol | 19 | Hermes | can fly,running so fast,immune to harm | always laughing at him cause he is such a choding.


Rivial  (Name | age | creature or not | powers | why you are and how you act with each other ) ♦

Woo Ri | 18 | daughter of aphrodite | beautiful face | she jealous at her because Bak hee got more attention than her even she is the daughter of aphrodite.Bak Hee will show not emotion everytime she with her




​Name ♦ Jung Dae Hyun

​Age ♦ 18

​godly parent♦ Poseidon

​Powers ♦  can control water

​How you met ♦ We met when we were kid and he is the son of my mother partnership.He also my fiancee

​Relationship status ♦ Fiance

​How you act with each other ♦ 

when there is no one - we will be so lovable to each other and cuddle 

when there is someone - we will act like bestfriend kicking,laughing, and any other things bestfrieng do.All of it doesnt look like couple do.

​Back up love  

​Name ♦ Luhan

​Age ♦ 20

​Godly parent♦  Hades

​powers ♦  Contol deaths and can make gold

​How you met ♦ He is baekhyun bestfriend.He care about me a lot.

​Relationship status ♦ Brother and sister replationship

​How you act with each other ♦ He always hear my story and we are really close.Sometimes daehyun even jealous with our closeness.I never feel awkward when I with him.



​Why should I chose you ♦ Because i am the die-hard fan of greek.its hard to find greek story.So I really want to be choosen.I also will also advertise ure story to my friend ^^.

comments request and questions ♦ I hope I got choosen^^


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