Taro Bubble Tea

Curiousity injured the Kironstree.

Hello all. You've heard I caught the flu right? Yep, one of my friends at school my wrist and gave me the sickies. Not very fun.
So I placed a bet with the heartless @start-to-finish A few days ago but I lost and had to buy her bubble tea. AND OH MY GOSH THEY HAD LU HAN'S FAVORITE FLAVOR. How could I not get it?
But I didn't know uncooked taro was toxic.
Yeah...I'm not dead but my tummy feels like it's getting stabbed by unicorns and I feel dizzy. I didn't drink that much it was only like 1/8 the entire cup. So I'm sick in bed and I'm not going to school tomorrow. Nope. Nope nope nope. 
If I'm in trouble I have my phone with my health insurance card. I can call the hospital and have them come get me. Or get a friend. Or the fire station across the street. 
Let this be a lesson kiddies. STICK TO STRAWBERRY BUBBLE TEA. 
Ps we don't know if it was toxic or not but i hope not geez


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It's not necessarily that it poisoned you (I assume they cook the taro they use...) but also that maybe you're just more allergic/sensitive to it than others > <
honestly i don't know what bubble tea is, hehe.
It's good to have sickness in a while i think, hahaha *slap
Omg I think the 'sickies' are making you slightly delusional, but that's ok it gives me a good laugh! But seriously I hope you get better soon.
I wanna try it now lol
Lol your wrist??
Kironstree #6
Your sister says otherwise
I doubt it was toxic..maybe you're just not used to it or something.
........actually uncooked taro isn't toxic at all it just makes everything itch.