Just a little piece of my mind :)

This morning, i went to my university since we have history class around 7. I arrived second, and there's this girl whom i recognized as one of my junior/hoobae. She's just alone and since we don't know each other, we didn't talk. I have my headset on and played with my phone.

Then not long after that, my friends start to come. One of them was sitting in front of me and she looked back at the girl before she mumbled. 

"she's pretty, right?" She said.

I turned around and nodded in agreement. Yes, she's not that white-petite-fragile looking girl, she has eyeliner and all, and imo, she has aura like CL, a tough-looking girl. and i think girls like this [from my opinion-a girl's opinion] are pretty.

My friend suddenly said,

"But it's so unfortunate of her. i heard she doesn't have any friends in her class because she's a lesbian"

(Our friend is her mentor and she heard the rumor from that person)

I was shocked.

How can people be that evil? I mean, your ual preferences, whether you're straight, gay,lesbian, or bi doesn't really tell your personality right? Being Not-straight doesn't mean you have some kind of disease that you have to stay away from. they're normal human being as well.

I'm quite a religious person and according to my belief, it is a sin to be gay/lesbian/bi. I'm not saying that i'm against that. But i'm not going to say i support it either.

I think that my belief tell me that it's wrong for me to be like that but i can't really shoved up my belief down other's throat right? if they think it's okay, then so be it. 


This is just a little bit of my thoughts lol. 


I'm not a psychologist or anything like that but i've been through quite a lot of things, and i'm the type of person that can empathize with others well so even though i've probably haven't been there, i can probably understand what they've been through. 

I just want to say, I don't really care about what you believed in but treating others equally is a basic thing to do, whether you're religious or not. Even if you think other people's beliefs contradict yours, that doesn't mean you can't hang out with them or give you the right to belittled them.

Cause even if you just say the smallest thing, you won't know how much it could hurt other people. :)

Like what i said in my previous blog, "be careful with your tongue."

It might be very small, but it held the biggest power. It can destroy someone's life, it can help someone and i hope you all chose wisely on how you want to put your tongue in use :)


Have a nice day everyone 

<3 chae



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quexiyun #1
Entirely agreed.

I have no religion (not exactly an athiest; athiests believe that no sort of god/goddess/divine powers/etc exist, meanwhile, I say that if they do exist, then I do not know them), and so I really don't care about ual orientation of a person. Let them love who they want to love. Like, really? Just because someone likes someone of the same gender, that automatically makes them someone to be bad around? Is it because then, if you hang around them, you too will become "like them"?

If I'm short, and I only ever hang around tall people, will I grow to be as tall as them? NO. -____-'
oh...i totally agree~ it's not about supporting it or not..it's about accepting the reality that there are people who are like that..geez..just let go of the prejudices already..who are we to judge?
i like have a lot of gay friends and man, they are the truest friends in the world because they tend to be very honest about matters, plus they make the best shopping partners...
they're better to have than any straight back-stabber...