My Class' CCTV Incident (not really...)

Just... one of so many abnormality in my class.


Last Saturday, my class had a CCTV installed in our class. That day, we also had gym class.

So... around 8.00 AM, the class is over, and we had to change into our school's scout uniform, the uniform for the day. I decided the CCTV shouldn't record me and a few of friends who had back to class changing. So we went to restroom and change.

After that, we went back. I was hungry so I decided to have my bento in my class. As I ate, the girls of my class went in. I was still eating, when I saw the door was closed and one of them was saying something like, "Hey, have you seen my necktie?"

My eyes widened.







Then I pondered what to do... what to do??? I turned and was about to warn them, when one of them opened the class' door, followed by the boys' rambling about how the girls were taking so long to change. The girls went out, including me, and letted the boys changing in the class.

I told them, "Wait, the class has CCTV! And the boys... they are... Shouldn't we tell them?"

Suddenly we heard one of the boys exclaimed, "Yay! CCTV! Look, I'm !"


That's so not funny...


And just yesterday, my teacher told us that the teachers in the tecahers office who had no teaching hour was able to watched us... clearly... through the CCTV.




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Omg!!! Was there no blood flood at ur school then :p
nyways joke apart did they really saw it??
lol, its that true? O.o