What I accomplished on my summer to do list

Since school starts the day after tomorrow I might as well do this...:


  • Update more (FIRST PRIORITY) Well I started a new one and I made 6 chapters in 12 days... IDK about you guys, but thats a lot for me. Usually I end up updating once every 2 weeks >< 
  • Read the Bible (I feel bad I didn't do this one.. I read the revelation though... so I guess I got half of it done)
  • Finish my summer homework :/  I finished it last minute... and it wasn't even a lot... Just a 72 page handwriting book and 6 speed drills. 
  • Find a job... I realized considering my age the only thing I CAN be is a papergirl. And my mom definately won't let me do that...
  • Learn a few dances I learned small parts of different dances such as No Mercy, Like This and Crash... I'll give my self a pass
  • EXERCISE REGULARLY! (I won't melt over the summer) Sadly I didn't really accomplish this at all... I exercised, just not regularly :/
  • Get better at speaking tagalog My skills are still the same.... Although I did try reading a tagalog book. It took me 1 hour to read a 3 inch long paragraph with size 12 font so I guess I improved O-O When I tried reading a childrens book last year (it was 16 pages long and size 20 font) it took me 45 minutes to read the dang thing...
  • Go somewhere with my friends (anywhere guys, I beg you): I can confidently say I passed this one
  • Draw 10 pictures and post them on a social networking site I have 2 left O-O I have to finish one today so I can upload the last tomorrow

Once I think about it I didn't really accomplish that much... LOL Next year I'm going to get a job and plus I'll be able to learn to drive! Summer won't be a miss next year!

On another note, I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!! I don't think anyone does... EUUGHH... I'm gonna die...

I'm pretty sure no ones gonna read this anyway so I'm probably talking to no one right now. Anyway if you did read this thank you letting me waste your time and have a good day XD

-KissMiBANA ♪♥


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LOLOL see you on wednesday ^^