Help please?

Anyone in Singapore, I need your input on something! :)
Please dont mind my face/voice lolol just help me comment in the video or here pls T_T


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KKkkkk #1
Video clips . Hehee
KKkkkk #2
Annyeong ! Hehehe , Amm okey , so let me get this straight , you have a project wherein you have to make a countdown. Not the usual 1 , 2 , 3 boom! Or 98, 99 100 ?

The first thing that came out of my brain was , how about a moon to sunrise countdown ?

You know , a video showing a full moon in the middle of the night , then into a moon suddenly disappearing to a sky suddenly becoming lighter , then to a sunrise finally showing out in the horizon .

Yeh.. Hehe anyways , I hope I made sense somehow . Hehehe !

Good luck to your project and GOD BLESS !

(waves bye and throws hearts . ) XD