30 Days Challenge

As you can see, this was stolen from DuskRose17 

I'm so sorry! But it seems so fun so I did my own xD



This is a 30 day challenge thing, so for those of you who are subbed or whatever to my blog, you'll get to know more about me! I'll be doing days 1-3 since I actually started this 3 days ago and I'll do day four later today, so ENJOY!

Day 1- 10 facts about yourself

Day 2- 10 favorite movies

Day 3- 10 favorite TV shows

Day 4- 10 favorite baby names for boys

Day 5- 10 favorite baby names for girls

Day 6- 10 favorite foods

Day 7- 10 favorite drinks

Day 8- 10 favorite desserts

Day 9- 10 favorite book series

Day 10- 10 favorite novels

Day 11- 10 favorite actors

Day 12- 10 favorite actresses

Day 13- 10 celebrity crushes

Day 14- 10 favorite bands or singers

Day 15- 10 favorite fictional characters

Day 16- 10 favorite songs at the moment

Day 17- 10 things you wanted to be when you “grew up”

Day 18- 10 favorite sports or hobbies

Day 19- 10 things you can’t leave the house without

Day 20- 10 things on your bucket list

Day 21- 10 websites you visit often

Day 22- 10 physical characteristics you look for in a partner

Day 23- 10 personality traits you look for in a partner

Day 24- 10 favorite games

Day 25- 10 things you do when you’re bored

Day 26- 10 things you love about yourself

Day 27- 10 things you wish you could change about yourself

Day 28- 10 regrets

Day 29- 10 wishes

Day 30- 10 places you want to visit



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