
1. Do you paint your nails? Yes, to stop me from biting them.

2. How many times a day do you think about your ex? Well, considering he is still my best friend, all the time.

3. Are you feeling sick? Kinda.

4. How many concerts have you been to? One. Trans Siberian Orchastra

5. What are you going to be doing three hours from now? Sleep hopefully.

6. Do you shower daily? Yes.

7. Have you ever heard of Led Zeppelin? Yes, I wasn't born in a cave.

8. How many days are there in a regular year?[hope you know.] 365.6

9. Do you have a cellphone? Yes.

10. What kind of deodorant do you use? Degree.

11. Do you know anybody who's blind? No.

12. Do you have nice feet? Kinda, but the mosquitoes are doing a fine job of ruining them.

13. How many times do you pee in one day? Depends on how much water I drink.

14. Are you wearing anything purple? Yes, my Capt.Jack Sparrow pants <3

15. Do you like yourself? It's a love-hate relationship...

16. Have you ever seen Clerks? What is that?

17. What comes to mind when i say.. GREEN? Hyoyeon's "Hoot" promotional poster...

18. Do you have any set lists that you've stolen from concert? .....No....Who the hell wrote this?A monkey?

19. Do you have a color that your room is centered around? No, but I want it to be a magenta type color.

20. Do you like long or short surveys? Long.

21. Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart? Only if the music could free her when ever it starts.

22. Do you know what ORGANIC means? Yes.

23. Can you spell well? Yes, I am known as the editor of my group of friends.

24. Do you shorten yourself online? if so, Why? Huh?

25. What's your favorite video game? Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Sims, Fallout, Oblivion, Haunting Ground, Silent Hill etc.

26. What's your mom doing at the moment? Either sleeping or watching T.V.

27. Do you like skittles? Yes! But I can't eat them...TT-TT

28. What's your cellphone number?[if you have one.. genius.] (504) under-your-bed.

29. How many words with more than eight letters do you know? A Lot. I'm not gonna list them...

30. How many times a day are you on MySpace? What's this MySpace you speak of?

31. Hypothetically, your internet has died. You have no means of transportation. you're stuck at home. What do you do? Play with Luna

32. What does HYPOTHETICALLY mean? If it were to happen.

33. What does the last text message you recieved say?[if you have a cellphone] From Kang_Minho: "I'll try to get everyone else then.."

34. What is your current favorite song? hmmm either, "Please" by Kim Hyun Joong "Mistake" By SNSD or "It Hurts" By 2NE1

35. What do you smell like? My Soap.

36. What do you think of Germany? That it has evil doctors who sow people together to make human centipedes...O.o

37. Do you have any siblings? Do you hate them? I have one by blood who I am really close with so I obviously don't.

38. What is your favorite kind of shoe? My ROTC Shoes, weird I know, but I've worn them so much it's just comfy.

39. What's the name of the last book you read? The Things They Carried By Tim O'Brien.

40. Do you blowdry your hair? When I wanna straighten it.

41. Do you like pens or pencils? Pens.

42. What's your favorite drink? Mmm...water.

43. WHat was the last gift you recieved? Luna.

44. Do you have all of your limbs? Yes. But wait til High School is over, then we'll talk

45. Have you ever wrapped something/someone in cellophane? No...

46. Were you adopted? No.

47. What's the closest thing to you that makes noise? My computer playing "Playing God" Instrumental by Paramore <3

48. Do you wear makeup? Sometimes.

49. Do you have any action figures? No, but I really want the David Bowie one...

50. Do you own anything with polka dots on it? Yes.

51. How many bottles of deodorant do you have currently? 3...Because I lose them so quickly then find them after I bought the next one...

52. Do you play any instruments? Does air guitar count?

53. What kind of chapstick is your favorite? I don't have one.

54. What's your favorite movie? Labyrinth.

55. How many REAL Cds do you own? Too many to count

56. What's one thing you collect? Water Globes, the ones that play music.

57. What jewelry are you wearing at the moment? None.

58. Do you have any aspirations in life? Yes. I can't imagine anyone who doesn't

59. What makes you really angry? People who think they are all that.

60. Who makes you feel better when you are down? Uh, either my mamaw, my mommy, my daddy, or Kang_Minho.

61. Have you eaten anything today? Uhh, I skipped breakfast, so I had soup, pasta salad with dinner, and frozen yogurt.

62. Do you have any tattoos? Nope.

63. Have you ever set anything other than logs on fire? Yes.

64. Have you ever lied about something TRULY important? No.

65. What shoes are you going to wear today? My flip flopps.

66. Do you like Hershey's Kisses? Yea Sure.

67. What kind of computer are you using? Asus

68. What's one object really special to you? Key, my raccon. (Yes, he was named after Key from the moment in Hello Baby)

69. Do you like chalk? From time to time.

70. Do you still have stuffed animals? Yes. My blue Hippo Rebecca got me, my bunny Kang_Minho got me, my cuddle bear my ex got me, the elephant my ex got me, and Key. Also my snow leopard I made.

71. What color are your socks? Don't have any on...

72. What color are your eyes? Brown

73. What's one thing that truly frightens you? Spiders.

74. Do you have trouble finding tape? Hell Yeah, who doesn't?!

75. What comes to mind when you see "lung butter"? A question mark.

76. Do you think money is important? Yes.

77. Have you ever been out of your country's borders? No. But I'm gonna end up in Seoul, South Korea one day.

78. Do you know where Berlin is? Germany, you freak.

79. Do you like the smell of flowers? Some of them.

80. Have you ever seen Bambi? DUH! If you havent seen Bambi you are so deprived

81. What are some things on your wall? Likes, and random videos Kang_minho posts...>.>

82. What does your dad work for? Pest Control.

83. What's your favorite book? The Coffin Quilt.

84. Do you go to the movies often? Not really.

85. What's the last movie you saw in theaters? erPunch

86. What's a "Carpet Shark?" is carpet shark does not describe not just one type of shark but many types of sharks. a carpet shark is a bottom feeder. and became more present by the end of the jurasic peroid till present day.

87. Do you think you are a lost cause? no, but I can name a few who are

88. Did you ever see Reboot? no?

89. What is the closest thing to you that is magnetic? like a magnet or just something a magnet would stick to? if so it'd be my phone.

90. Do you ever feel like exploding? spontanious combustion makes you wonder sometimes

91. What color is your belt? would it be weird if i said im not even wearing pants.

92. Have you ever played have you ev er? um i dont even know what it is

93. Do you like redundance? .......

94. Have you ever paid attention to something in class and then failed the test about it? Yes.

95. Are you scared of anything really odd?Uhh, just that killer clowns will feed me to the mutant spiders, but thats not odd.

96. Do you like vanilla M&Ms or Chocolate? they have vanilla m&ms!??

97. Have you ever painted a picture? yep

98. Does your computer run smoothly? It's suppossed to, but it doesn't...>.>

99. Have you ever had rum? Wait...Why is the rum gone?!

100. What do you think of when you see Demon Hunter? Van Helsing.

101. Ever watch Spongebob on your own accord? No.

102. Do you have anything in your room that you don't EVER use? The incense burner.

103. Who's your favorite poet? Edgar Allen Poe

104. How old is your oldest friend? uhh, idk...but in his 20s

105. Are you lost? its hard navigating in my bed

106. Do you know what vulgarity is? yes

107. Do you like markers, colored pencils, crayons, or oil pastels better? markers

108. What's one big thing you've accomplished in your life? Uhh, A Honor Roll

109. Do you have a problem with authority? depends on what account. If its rotc and military reason by a higher ranking cadet then no I have no problem but when a lower class cadet tells me whats right and wrong, I get pissed

110. What's a synonym for Synthetic? fake

111. What's the dumbest thing on TV? Cartoon Network.

112. What's a movie you like but you wish you didn't? Silent Hill, gives people the wrong vibe...

113. Are you clumsy? yes....

114. Do you think dead baby jokes are funny? theyre hilarious...I mean no, not at all...

115. What are three words you think describe you? temper, pretty, outgoing

116. Do you read comic books? i do, but i read manga

117. Do you remember any music from when you were a kid? Mostly Christian music

118. What is the strangest name for a song you know? hmmm....idk...

119. What is your middle name? Michelle

120. Have you ever seen your favorite band live? No, but just you wait CNBlue, I'll be at one of your concerts one day!

121. What was the last thing you printed out? My Final Draft for English over 2 months ago xD

122. Do you get homesick easily? Depends

123. What is the strangest name for a human youve ever heard? La-a

124. What's one song with the word "green" the title? It's not easy being green.

125. What is the last thing you spent money on? Weight Watchers.

126. Do you hate waiting? Sometimes.

127. Did you like Napoleon Dynamite before everyone began hating it? No.

128. Have you ever had a last first kiss? huh?

129. Do you ever have the desire to kill? When I'm reallllly angry.

130. Do you think roses are beautiful? yes especially black and red ones


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