»Rewrtie Fate ¦ Alexandria Roxane's Application Form ¦ «



Rewrite Fate
                                   Will You Survive?


Alexandria Roxane the Devil
*  Means optional


The Mastermind
Username: Chochocho
Name: Jesslyn
Activeness: 7
   ❝ You're Becoming Like a Point Far Away
Getting To KnowYou
Birth Name: Roxane Alexandria
* Nickname:
- Choi Ryeona | when she was still a human, given by her parents
- Alexa | was given by her clan, the short for Alexandria.
Age: Human age: 21 | supernatural age: 197
Gender: Female
Birth Date: January 9th
Star Sign: Capricornus
Occupation: Stay at home
Supernatural Race: Devil

Character Type: Girl you should be aware of.
Alexa is not nice. She is manipulative and doesn't like human. She will not hide anything she is feeling, she will tell you what she hates from you right away and she doesn't care if you're offended or not. She doesn't care about anything related to human's feeling since Demon can't feel anything that human can feel except for hatred and anger. She never feel sadness, confuseness, or even happiness. She is always angry, depressed, and violent when it comes to interact with human. She always act that way so no one know that she is a Devil.
She likes to play around with human's life. She likes to seeing them suffer. She loves that painful sensation of them. She likes to manipulate others by telling lies that she made up. But when you mad at her, she would act depressed so you would think that she has some trouble with herself. She also love torturing human in a sadistic way just to feel the addictive sensation and leave them dying. She is a smart girl actually, but she use her intelligent to make a plan to torture humans or planning evil things.
-. Blood
-. Horror movies
-. Human suffering
-. Supernatural Novel
-. Apples
-. Dark Mocha
-. Dark chocolate
-. Classical/Instrumental music
-. Human
-. Being approach by human
-. Happiness
-. Spicy foods
-. Romance thingy
-. Innocent people
Pet Peeves:
-. Loud people who doesn't have intellect
-. Smartass person
-. Peopl who act innocent
-. Killing people
-. Telling lies
-. Manipulating human
-. Reading novels
-. Listening to music on her iPod
-. Practice dark magic
-. Watch movies
-. Clenched her hands to resist the urge to torture/kill humans
-. Cursing when she's mad or depressed

-. Someone finds out that she's a devil
-. One of her clan got killed
-. Night time
-. Running
-. Cast dark spell
-. Silver Cross
-. sunlight
-. Pure diamond

-. Her blood type was B
-. She has X shaped scar on her neck 
-. Colour: Black, Red, Blue
-. Items: Sunglasses, Jacket, Sneakers
-. Type of music: Classic, Instrumental
-. Musician: Yiruma (pianist)
-. Film: Gone With The Wind
   ❝ I Can Only Watch You While Holding My Breath
You're Not Bad On the Eyes
Ulzzang Name: Yeon Ji Hee / Yeon Aru
Ulzzang Pictures:
Back-up Ulzzang Name: Park Young Hee

Height: 168 cm
Weight: 1166 lbs

Description of Appearance:
-. A little chubby cheeks
-. Sharp jawline
-. Pale skin
-. Flat chest
-. Long, straight hair
Eye colour: Dark blue
Hair Colour: Light brown

* Additional:
-. She has a birthmark on her left side neck
-. She has an anubis (Egypt's God of Death) tattoo on her back. She has it as the sign that she's a devil
-. She wear an Amethyst Moonstone bracelet. It's some kind of amulet that protect her from the sunlight
-. She has a pair of wings that can be summon with a spell.
-. She has an All Seeing Eye of Horus tattoo on her left wrist
   ❝ I Want to Let Go Of Everything, And It's Suffocating
All Your Deepest, Darkest Secrets
Ryeona was born in a rich family. Her dad is the CEO of one of the most famous mining company while her mom is a diplomat. But at the age of 15, a thief broke in to their house, it was saturday back then. Ryeona was hiding in the counter table at the kitchen because of her dad told her to do it. But her parents were caught by the thief and the thief dragged them to the kitchen and killed them in front of Ryeona who was still hiding. From that moment, she was traumatized. Her thoughts about bad people do not exist were gone. All she could think of was there were only bad people, so if she did something bad, no one will complain.
And with that thought, she chased the thief, holding a knife on her left hand. Fortunately, the thief wasn't gone too far yet so she could caught up with him. She jumped on the thief's back and start stabbing him repeatly and fiercely until the thief was dead tragically. And for her surprise, instead of freaked out, she smiled full of satisfaction. She likes it. She likes the sensation when she heard the painful moan from the thief, and she wants to feel it again.
And at the same time, a devil clan leader named Marcovious was happen to passing by when he saw the bloody Ryeona and a dead body near her. He was fascinated by her action that time and he also saw a hidden power inside her. An evil one. So he took her to the devil's headquarter and turned her into a devil and changed her name to Alexandria Roxane. She was warmly accepted by her new clan and lived with them for 6 years. She was trained to use her magnificent power and soon become one of the greatest young devil.
Ryeona has a perfect childhood. A room just for her toys, a closet full of beautiful dresses, and a pair of perfect parents. Despite of their busy life, they still spare some times just to spend it with Ryeona. Her parents always treated her very well and that makes her think that everyone are as nice as her parents. She likes to play with her neighbor, Choi Seunghyun. He is the only one who wants to be her friend because the other were too scared about Ryeona's parents. They like to fight each other sometimes because Seunghyun is the rebel type in his school. As they grew up, they began to fell in love with each other and seunghyun fights more often than before and that made Ryeona worried but she was still there for Seunghyun whenever he needs her.
Family Members:
- Choi Ryeoju || 43 (when he died) || Father || 10 || He is a responsible father and husband. For him, family is everything and he should give his family the best thing they wanted
- Kim Jina || 41 (when she died) || Mother || 10 || A caring mother who always listen to Ryeona when she got some problem and try to help her.
   ❝ I Must Live, I Must Survive, 'Cause I'll Stop Someday
Is That All You've Got?
Weapon: A silver dagger and a silver sword
How You Take It With You: She put the dagger behind her clothes and summon the silver sword
Techniques: the dagger could be used to kill an angel and witches while the sword could kill everything.

She can control fire (since devil is well known as a creature that lived in hell) and she can use dark magic to spell jinxes to human or other creature. She also can run or fly in speed of light 
Guardian: Phantom || Black Fox || 8 


Intelligence: 8/10 [How smart?]
Strength: 10/10 [How strong are you physically?]
Speed: 10/10 [How fast are you getting around places?]
Stealth: 7/10 [How well can you sneak around without being noticed?
Stamina: 8/10 [How good is your stamina? Ex. running for a long time etc.]
Endurance: 2/10 [Your mental endurance. How well can you stick to your idea or push yourself]
Resolve: 2/10 [How well do you stick with your plan? I guess it's like stubbornness to finish?]
Bravery: 7/10 [How brave are you?]
Intuition: 9/10 [How accurate are your guy feelings?]
Agility: 6/10 [How easily can you move around?]
* Additional Details
-. Her power will increase if it's a full moon
-. She has a fox-shaped necklace to summon Phantom with a spell
-. Using a big spell will drain her stamina
   ❝ A Paradise That Has Locked You In Against Your Will
You Got Yourself In This Mess
Supernatural Race: Devil
Home: Underworld
Joining the Game: Marcovious saw that she's ready to enter the real world and sent her off to the Game of Eclipse

   ❝ I Don't Have the Ease of Being Able To Give You My Heart
Can Creatures Like Us Really Fall in Love?
The Human:
Choi Seunhyun (TOP) || 23 || Big Bang || Gangster
He's a fierce guy. He is strong and loves fighting but he only showing his other sweet and innocent side to people he care about. He likes challenge and he always looking for challenge. He is charismatic too and you would fall for him just by looking at his intense gaze. 
At first, Alexa and Seunghyun didn't talk that much since it's been a long time since they met. But then the they began to play to each other like they used to.
Their Reason:
Since Ryeona was missing, Seunghyun thought that she was dead too so he was depressed. Therefore, he began to not able to control his emotion and starts yelling at people and fighting more often than before, just so he could forget her and that makes him a tough guy and made a group of gangster that likes to kill people to steal their money. He was considered as the contestant for the game because Alexa knew that Seunghyun is a guy who has marvelous strenght and will.
Relationship: They're lovers back then but because of Ryeona who has turned into a devil, she just want him to be her good friend.
Additional Details:
She remembered Seunghyun when she look back at her old house (which is already destroyed) and suddenly remember all the things in her childhood and Seunghyun was one of them.
The Human (Second Choice):
Han Geng (Han Kyung) || 24 || Super Junior || Freelance Photographer
* Scene Request: Could you please write a scene where they too meet up and Ryeona told him that she's a devil named Alexandria? :)
   Protect You From a Future That's Captured in Secrets
Will You Succeed?
Persona: The Broken Child

Position: Offensive
Rating: 9

* War Cry: No one is good. We have a devil inside us. 
   ❝ Even If You're Ahead For a Bit, I'll Catch Up
I Won't Let You Leave So Easily
Comment: I did this for about 3 days lol and i'm really really really sorry for lots of grammar mistakes i made *bows* but i hope you like her though :) Infinite
Suggestion: If you don't mind, could you write a scene where she killed the thief and when she was turned into a devil? sorry for bothering you ;A;
Ending: Tragic for Alexa and for the story keke~
Sacrifice: yeap, bad creature like her should not win XD
Password: Tell me things can change



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