POSH , with inspiritexoticbaby as twin

Password: [if you read the rules, you’ll know]

Name: Yeong Min Young
English Name: [no english]

Ethnicity: Korean
Language: Korean (Gangnam Dialect), Korean (Seoul Dialect)

Birthplace: Gangnam (style)
Birth Date: December 31 1995


When she feels that someone is very kind and nice, she immediately becomes loyal and accepts authority from them. She often trusts people too much and so she becomes gullible and naive. She likes to be courteous and caring, especially to older people and is always smiling in front of them. She likes to be determined when doing something. However, when it comes to courage to face something big in her life like a decision, she becomes undecisive. She has a bit of a stage fright, so before a performance, she is often biting nails and becoming really quiet and tense. However after the performance, she becomes a total opposite. Liking to meet people, she is very open to all different types of personalities.

When it comes to money, she is very frugal and thrifty. Even though her family is rich and has enough money for her whole life, she likes to still be not wasteful of things. Her downfall is also because she is a bit egoistic, too much that it becomes a bit harmful for her. Uncaring about appearance, she is not afraid of showing her bare face in front of cameras. Insensitive, she is a happy- go- lucky person and is not often angry at things. However if she DOES get angry, it becomes hell and she starts hitting/ kicking at anything or anyone. She loves to be romantic and will always think of cheesy things to say. A bit of a ert, it's one of the only characteristic that doesn't match her face.

History: [how you lived your life prior to debuting]

Ulzzang Name: [who your ulzzang is]
Appearance: 1 2 3 4

Height: 164cm
Weight: 45kg

Family Background: [who your family was]
Famous Relatives: [if you have one]

Friends: [name – age – occupation]
Best Friend: [you can only have 2 at most]

Crush: [can be anyone, isn’t necessarily your partner]
Love Interest: [name – age – group]

Meeting: [how the two of you met]
Relationship: [friends, enemies, rivals, etc]

Fears: [list them down]
Strengths: [list them down]

Persona: innocent looking skinship monster
Position: [look at the list above]

Stage Name: [be realistic but creative]
other: MC (on lots of shows- music bank, inkigaryo, music core, mnet countdown with twin sister)

Interesting Facts: [example: you’re a fan of ____]
Music Preference: [rock, pop, etc]




Comments – Suggestions – Questions: [if you have them]


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