POSH application form

Password: Seaweed soup

Name: Min Li
English Name: Jade Li 

Ethnicity: Chinese-American
Language: English (Fluent) Chinese (Fluent) Korean (Fluent)

Birthplace: San Francisco, California, USA
Birth Date: October 14th, 1996

Personality: Min is an extremely shy person when she is around strangers and tends to be very awkward with people. But after she gets comfortable with someone Min turns into a bubbly and child-like person. She is also a very honest and blunt person when it comes to giving opinions and rarely lies to others to make them feel better. Because of that others usually ask her when they want an honest opinion while the people who can't take criticism keep their distance from her.

She is also a very hard working person who believes that anything is possible through hard work and nothing will happen if you just sit around. Because of that she has many little talents like pen spinning, drawing and magic tricks since she likes challenging herself to learn new things. And since she believes that anything is possible she learns quickly because she keeps working at it without stopping until she does get it.

Min is a very calm person who doesn't get frightened easily. But, when she does get scared she still hides it behind a calm face and tries to make it so nobody notices because she hates being teased. She is also a very observant and notices many things that others don't see regardless of what she is looking at. She can look at a person and tell how they are feeling or she could look at an object and tell you how old it probably is or who the owner might be.

Lastly, she enjoys hiding her mature side from others and prefers acting like a child since in her opinion it's much eaier and simpler to live that way. But, when she needs to she will change from being a immature child to an adult-like figure when needed. Especially when it comes to friends that need someone to talk to. Min will always help them in any way that she can.

History: Min lived a normal life with her family in San Francisco until she was twelve she when took part in a singing competition which took second place in. Like that she was scouted as a trainee and and was sent to Korea to begin her training. Her parents were unsure of what would happen to her and actually stated that they didn't know if she would make it or not. Determined to debut quickly to show her parents she made it and make them proud she trained a minimum of thirteen hours everyday not including breaks. Her trainee life was basically spent at the company and at the dorm they gave her. She continued to train like that until the company decided that she was ready to debut. 

Ulzzang Name: Kim Da Hyeon







Height: 160 cm
Weight: 47 kg

Family Background: Jared Li/ Father/ Chinese/ 45 years old/ A very caring father who loves his family more than anything else/ Living in San Francisco, Sarah Li/ Mother/ Chinese 43 years old/ A very kind hearted mother who thinks of Min as a blessing/ Lives in San Francisco

Famous Relatives: N/A

Friends: Lu Han/ Idol/ 22 years old
Best Friend: Kim Taeyeon/ Idol/ 23 years old

Crush: Gongchan from B1A4 
Love Interest: Gongchan/ 19 years/ B1A4

Meeting: She met him backstage at a concert and talked to each other for awhile before exchanging numbers to keep in touch with each other.

Relationship: Friends



Bitter food

Having her voice crack

Being sick

Being cheated

Being abandoned


Always calm no matter what

Always takes a realistic view on things

Listens to reason before freaking out

Will never betray anyone unless she was betrayed first

Persona: Whiney Baby
Position: Lead vocalist

Stage Name: Minnie
other: M countdown MC

Interesting Facts:

She is a big fan of SNSD and knows all of their dances

Can learn any dance within an hour

She sleepwalks and has gone to the convienience store before in her sleep where her mom's friend saw her and immediately brought her back home

Is obsessed with Pikachu

Must drink banana milk everyday

Can eat as much as she wants and still doesn't get fat

She has a deeper singing voice than most female idols but she can still hit Iu's three high notes without much difficulty

Music Preference: Pop


Was born on a bus: False, she was born in a taxi cab

Has gone through plastic surgery: False,

Was bullied in school: True

Dated before in America: False


Seen with B1A4's Gongchan at an amusement park

Pictures of Min being harrased as a student

Min was underweight as a child?


Comments – Suggestions – Questions: I'm really excited for your story and umm no questions so far. No suggestions but HWAITING


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