Genesis Application




shin heeyeon



»  i can call you ㅡ melovetaengoo


»  hey, i just met you ㅡ Shin Heeyeon
»  cake face on this day with ___ candles. ㅡ  10/28/94- 18(korean age)
»  height & weight ㅡ   45 kg & 174 cm
»   hometown & birthplaceㅡ Los Angeles, California


»  ulzzang's name ㅡ     Baek SuMin

»  the pictures ㅡ  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

»  back up. ㅡ  Park Hyemin
»   style / dress code -----  casual 1 casual 2 airport fashion 1 airport fashion 2 formal 1 formal 2 accessory 1 accessory 2



»  personality ㅡ  You can tell by her appearance that she's calm or like an angel fallen from above but this chic has a really dorky personality. She's 18(in korean age), but  being the maknae in their family is the reason why she sometimes act like a 5 year old kid. Heeyeon loves being around people who has a really good vibes on him/her. People around Heeyeon loves being with her too  because she has sense of humor.  She can be serious and moody at times though :) But inspite all of these, this girl has a really good side which is being a hard-working person. She wants to prove that she can fulfill her dreams on her own inspite all the struggles that their family faced in life. She's also a caring and a good friend. Her friends often say that Heeyeon is the kind of friend who you can really count on at all times.

»  the past ㅡ  Born in Los Angeles, California. Lived there for a couple of years with her whole family before her parents separated. She studied in a same school with her two older siblings. Due to family problems, she transferred to China for her to be able to concentrate on her studies and lived with her korean relatives there. Went to Japan for a year to study the Japanese language. And there, she was discovered. She transferred to Korea and auditioned for a couple of times before she was accepted and scouted as a SM trainee. She trained for 6 years that's why she were friends with a few seniors from their company. Went to many difficulties as a traineee including being bullied by co-trainees because she's from a foreign country and cannot speak the language well. But inspite all of her struggles in life, she still continued working hard to pursue what she wants in life.



»  family ㅡ 

Shin Gilsok ㅣ 56 ㅣ business man ㅣ deceased /  alive ㅣfather ㅣ very strict.

Kim Namsooㅣ 54 ㅣopera singer ㅣ deceased / alive ㅣmother ㅣ nagger.

Shin Heesokㅣ 24 ㅣfashion designer ㅣ deceased / alive ㅣ sister ㅣ very sweet sister.

Shin Heewon ㅣ 22 ㅣ business man ㅣ deceased / alive ㅣbrotherㅣ serious person though really protective as an older brother.

»  friends ㅡ 

     Yoonaㅣ 23 ㅣ SNSD member singer/actress/dancer/model ㅣ deceased / alive  ㅣ bestfriend ㅣ cheerful.

Kim JongInㅣ 18 ㅣ EXO-K member singer/dancer/model ㅣ deceased / alive ㅣ bestfriend ㅣ cool & funny.

Feiㅣ 26 ㅣ Miss A member ㅣ deceased / alive ㅣ close friend ㅣ optimistic and a caring unnie.

Gikwang ㅣ 23 ㅣ B2ST member ㅣ deceased / alive  ㅣ close friendㅣ gentleman.

Son Naeunㅣ18 ㅣ A Pink member ㅣdeceased / alive  ㅣ close friend ㅣ girly.

»  enemy ㅡ 

Suzy Baeㅣ17 ㅣ Miss A member ㅣdeceased / alive  ㅣ close friend ㅣ girly | often compared to each other.

»   i lurb you bb gull.ㅡ   BAP's DAEHYUN <3 



» likes & dislikesㅡ

LIKES:  She loves skinship. Loves eating samgyupsal and  tteokbokki(she loves eating street foods). She loves being with easygoing people.  She likes guys who are appealing and has a good personality, she loves color GRAY. Loves drinking creamy drinks especially milktea. Loves collecting kpop merchandise especially SNSD's and DBSK's. And lastly, she loves going to amusement parks. Her first love: rollercoasters.

DISLIKES:  Snob, person who always has negative vibes on him/her, sad stories(she's a crybaby at times), bright colors, non-leafy vegetables, arrogant person, unapproachable person, rats is a big NO NO for her.

»  hobbies & habits ㅡ 

HOBBIES:  She's a fashion maniac that's why SHOPPING is no. 1 on her list,  rapping, dancing, listening to music, learning several languages, playing the guitar, ballet.

HABITS:  exercising, rehearsing every night, eating midnight snacks, fixing everyone's bedsheets(she's an OC), biting nails when nervous, the only way i can fall asleep is if im laying on my stomach, if somebody sneezes or coughs without covering their mouth i will hold my breath for as long as a can to keep from breathing germs keke~

»  triviaㅡ 

1. A fangirl of SNSD and DBSK

2. trained for 6 years

3. her ideal type is DBSK's Changmin

4. has a fit body but the truth is she loves eating

5. doesn't want to be disturb when she's doing something

6. an OC(O.C. stands for obsessive compulsive - an anxiety disorder about perfection, rules, organization, etc.)


»  persona ㅡ The Skinship Chic
»  fan club name ㅡ Heeyeonnies
»  fan club colorㅡ  GRAY #999999

»   positionㅡ 

Lead Vocalist/Sub-Rapper


Main Dancer/Sub-Rapper

»   singing & dancing link.ㅡ

»   rapping linksㅡ


»  requests ㅡ   Backstage or Concert moments with friends and rivalry between Daehyun & Kai :)
»  comments & questions? ㅡ I HOPE YOU LIKE HERRRR!
»  password ㅡ 




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yeoshin-nim #1
;alkdjfalkdj i totally forgot
but can you pm me your top two love interests? c: