busy busy busy

i currently write this post with a headache and general bitterness about life.

obviously, school has started. sleep will be cut, work will be piled high, time to write will go critical, and stress will build. but that's good, because it's my life, and i'm content with it.

in other news, i've written for 2/3 of my current stories, and am/was in the process of writing the last third. it's going ridiculously slowly, and any progress on it will be halted until i settle into my new schedule. and also, if the memo was missed, i will be updating 3/3 at the same time because ocd issues and goal setting psh what is that

sitting in front of the computer hurts both physically and mentally.

and then the heezica thing happened. GOD guys, this is just... this is too much.

i'm taking a vague break from fanfiction/kpop in general.


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i wish i had 2/3 written of my stories ;;
well school starts for me in a week so ajsdklfjasldkjfas argh