End of Exams...time to PARTY!

It's the day of happiness right now .... because finally, on July 23, 2011, a typical Saturday morning, EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!!

I'm still on hiatus. keke. I just went to a computer shop near the school, because dismissal time was early. ^^

Anyway, back to the main topic... EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!

I would now tell you about the level of difficulty of exams



















even if you probably don't care


So yeah... I'll blabber and blabber now about the exams, and then I'll reply to wall posts later. :D (to the people who sent me a wall post..be excited for my reply! LOL LOL LOL :P :D )


  • First Day Of EXAMS

So... the first day of exams is technically my first day of attending school. The first day was on Thursday, and I had been absent for the prevous days, 'cause I got sick. Poor me! :( But anyway, on the first day of exams, I encountered three subjects which are actually quite easy. :D

1.) Edukasyong Panlipunan (Values Education)

       hehehehehe. THIS IS SO EASY!!! - or at least I thought so. XD . We just had to answer some essays, a true or false, and there is also a loop-a-word. I would have gotten a perfect score, if it wasn't for test II. GR. that evil test. Well, for that test, we had to supply the purpose of the agencies given. (say for example, DOH, which is for health.) and yeah...I don't think I'm a good citizen of the country, considering the fact that I may have made mistakes. -_- but overall, this was pretty easy. :D

2.) Geometry

      I hate geometry, with all that I am. * sings to the tune of Out of My League, with the lyrics 'And I hate math, with all that I am' * but surprisingly, the test was pretty easy! There were not a lot of computations (there were some, of course, but still, not a lot :D ) hehe. I realized, geometry is a bit easier than algebra! (don't get me started with algebra -_-) hehe.

3.) Technology and Livelilhood Education

       This one's also a bit easy, because ... it's easy! hehe. But for some reasons, I'm not expecting to get a high grade... (weird~)

So yeah, first day of exams was a blast! The exams were a bit easy.. :DDD


  • Second Day

1.) Chemistry

      The exam was easy ... if only I had been good at science. LOL. there were choices (yay! our teachers our kind, you see) but still, the different scientific terms were jumbled in my head. -_- so yeah... I don't want to talk about this one. I'm actually expecting a B...or a C...or maybe a D? :O but still, I'm hoping to get an A in this test. (u-know the saying, 'Hope for the best and expect for the worst?' That's what I'm doing right now.) :D

2.) Filipino

     Hehe. this one's a bit easy.... quite easier than i expected. You see, the pointers for this subject is 76 pages, and the exams had a lot of items. But still, I consider this to be easy. Sure, I've had confusion with some of the tests....but i don't know. I just think of this as easy. PERIOD. :D and maybe, one of the reasons why this was easy is because it's one of my fave subjects.. :D


      I hate MAPEH. Even back to the days when I was a four-year-old-cute-and-chubby-and-adorable kid, I never liked MAPEH..but the exam for this subject is a bit easy, too! :D hehe. If it weren't for the stupid test located at the near end, I would have been sure to get a high grade. But the thing is, I've had confusion in one of the tests. Aw. ! Oh well, i'm not expecting a high grade for this one, too. :D but it was easy.

  • Third Day

1.) Araling Panlipunan (history)


       And the stress this subject caused me was worth it. Sure, the exam was quite difficult...but i think I did well? LOL. The last test caused me confusion (XD am always confused, aren't I?) but yeah...I want to beileve I did well. :D hehe

2.) English


    back to the days, when I was a four-year-old-cute-and-chubby-and-adorable kid, i had already adored this subject. Granted, i make lots of grammatical mistakes, but i still love this subject. Don't ask me why. I don't know the reason either. But anyway, the examination for my favorite subject was BEYOND stressful. Yep, it was even more difficult than History. -_-

   what made this exam difficult? I DON'T KNOW. Maybe our teacher has a talent to make her students' bleed with her exam's difficulty.

    And I'm not the only one who found this exam difficult; it took us at least an hour and a half (?) to answer this one. (we usually answer a test for only 40 minutes to an hour)

3. Computer

     This one is also easy...but i had to rush answering; the time we have was nearly over. Blame English. Anyway, there was a particular test that confused me. We had to figure out the genre of the films she had written there. Too bad, I didn't know half of the films included. -_- so...I don't know whether to expect for a good grade or not. XD


so yeah..did you get bored reading about my personal life? :P

oh well...that's all. I'll reply to wall posts and leave this computer shop at once. My brain needs to rest. and I'll party later! whew! I'll rent some dvds to relax. hehe

Miss me while i'm gone~

-Lei Lee/ Melissa Lee


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I'm happy for you cutie! Exams are a drag. I know you did well xP
Congrats! :)
YAY!! Congrats LeiLee :D IM HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! AIIISHHH i hate exams, but ive got some coming in 2 weeks...gotta study but all im doing is playing games and reading fanfics =___=" <br />
hehehe anyway have fun in your non-exam period :D