
1.) Which member is the closest to you/like?  Choi Mihwa

2.) Which member you dislike/don't get along with?  Ahn Ju Ah

3.) Which member would you like to be your roommate?  Choi Mihwa

4.) Which variety show/drama would you like to be a part of/appear in? Running Man!

5.) Which idol(s) [besides B.A.P] would you like to meet? Tablo or Jung Juri or Cho PD

6.) Which country would you like to go for a concert, showcase, fanmeeting? The Philippines

7.) Where is your home town? Hongdae, South Korea

8.) Suggest some titles for Angel's own variety show. And what will happen in that show, how many episodes are there?  Angel TV, their everyday life?

9.) What would you like your dorm to look like? X or X

10.) Any bad news that/will happen(ed)?

11.) Date of debut? September 1 ?

12.)What music videos did you appear in?  Big Bang’s and Block B’s as a female dancer. She also was a underground  rapper.

13.) Present that you would like to receive from a fan? Nike high top shoes!

14.) Any habits? I crack my knuckles when I’m mad and I cruse a lot.

15.) Ideal Type? Aggressive, funny, manly

16.) Nicknames? (Optional)

17.) Motto? (Optional)

18.) How were you casted? The heard some of her underground music and called her up to audition.

19.) Interesting moments that happened during your trainee days. She almost punch Bang Yongguk in the face when he mad her mad.

20.) Clothing Style?

21.) Favorite Artist? Tablo

22.) What do the members think of you? The umma but also can be scary.

23.) Idol that you want to perform with? Tablo or Cho Pd

24.) Favorite place in Korea? Hongdae (Clubbing area)

25.) Funny thing about you? Has a birth mark on her chin shaped as a star.

26.) Current gadget(s) you have? Ipod touch and iphone

27.) Favorite song(s)?  The Don by Nas

28.) Height? 171cm

29.) Weight? 49kgs

30.) What song did you vote for the debut song?  Hello Venus- Hello

31.) What is your persona?  Funny Badass



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