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Oh, hey there! 

AFF username: KittyKatNinja4eva

Wanna be friends?: Yeppers

 It's an all about you-niverse! 

Name: Park Haneul

Nickname(s): Sassy, Sasha, Umma

Birth-date: March 21, 1994

Age: 18

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean - Japanese

Languages: Fluent in Korean, Japanese and English. Basics in Mandarin


She's outgoing, bold, lively and full of spirit. There's never a dull moment when she's around. She can be quite random at times and has been known to burst into song here and there.
She has a tendency of speaking her mind even if it's rude or brutally honest. Though she does try to be not so hurtful with her words. She's not the one to beat around the bush and likes to just come out with it. She also very respectful towards others. She likes making sassy remarks A LOT which has earned her nickname.
She's really affectionate and caring towards her friends, teammates, and family and even her fans.
She's a thoughtful and open-minded person that likes to see the glass half full.
She can be quite determined when she has her mind set on something. Some people would just say that she's stubborn.
She's really devoted to her career and doesn't take it for granted. She's also cooperate to work with.
She's doesn't tolerant any whining, tantrums or any disrespect.
She's can be a bit of a germ a phobe at times. She showers every morning and right before going to bed. She tends to wash her hands a lot especially before eating and after a fan-signing event. She always carries hand sanitizer. She does most of the cleaning in the dorm. But she won't clean the other members' rooms. She likes doing everyone's laundry because she finds it relaxing.
She's also really motherly towards the other members and loves to care and cook for them. Earning the nickname Umma.
Even though she's the Umma of the group she hates getting up early and is usually the last one to wake up. When she is tired she tends to behave like a zombie minus the flesh eating part. But if you annoy her when she's in this state she will bite you.
If she's around someone that she dislikes then she ignores them and keeps her distance.


Likes: Strawberries, Sweets (Ice cream and Chocolate), Hello Kitty, Butterflies, Animals and Nature, Anime and Manga, Lip Gloss and Shoes, Fashion and Shopping, Listening to music

Dislikes: Cockroaches, Spinach and Pineapple, Waking up too early, The Quiet, Getting yelled at because it scares her and causes her to tear up, Being cold, Too much pink, Porcelain dolls, Wooden puppets, and Clowns cause they're creepily

Hobbies: Yoga and Pilates, Shopping, Reading manga and watching anime, Drawing cartoons, anime and animals, Listening to music, Dancing and singing

Habits: Tends to talk to herself and animals a lot, Bursts into song at random times, Cleaning, Plays with her hair and nails when bored or nervous, Bites lower lip when nervous, scared or about to cry, Says things without thinking first

Trivia: (as much as possible)

Usually has these items with her: favorite leather jacket, her backpack with many key chains, her iPhone with it's leopard print case, and one of these Hello Kitty headphones

Her belly area and feet are very ticklish

Has her belly button pierced and her ears pierced twice

Has a large collection of Hello Kitty, anime and manga, lip gloss, and shoes

Favorite colors are blue, silver, purple, and green

Has never had her first kiss

Has three tattoos: Back of her neck | Right wrist | Left wrist 

Wears a ring that was given to her from her Great Grandma

Family and friends complete me!


Haneul was born in Tokyo and lived there with her parents till she was 4 years old. At that time her father had gotten a better job offer in Seoul, making the family move there. Soon after her mother give birth to a baby boy. They haven't moved since and decided to stay there. Her father was busy a lot but he always tried his best to make time for his family. Because Haneul is so sensitive her father would always sit her on his lap, wrap his arms around her and rub soothing circles on her back whenever she was upset, scare or crying. He was always there for her and her family.

Her mother always supported her no matter what and loved to remind her that she loved them so much. Her mother taught her how to cook and play piano. Her younger brother views Haneul as the younger sibling because of how very protective he feels about her and their mom just like their father does. It doesn't help that he is a lot taller than her.

Siblings: Brother | Park Chin-Mae | 15 | Student | Quiet, sweet, protective, smart, hard-worker, kind of a loner


Father | Park Chul | 47 | CEO of a large loaning company | Strict, firm, serious, tall, mean-looking but has a gentle side, smart, very protective

Mother | Park Mi-Young | 44 | Housewife | Sweet, caring, lively, bold, protective, small

Best friends: Key | 20 | Good at saying honeyed words, but hearing lines like “Are you hurt? I am hurting too.” makes him burst out in laughter. He has a love-hate relationship with horror movies and horror stories. Is confident that he can be a gourmet chef, nobody can escape his dumplings trap. The group’s No.1 in fashion. Has phobia of heights. | SHINee

Tao | 19 | Very conservative person, and he's also a very emotional and sensitive guy. | Exo M

Friends: Taemin | 19 | He's shy at first but when he warms up to you he'll be talkative and funny. He wants to be called manly instead of cute to fit in with his hyungs. | SHINee

Lay | 20 | He’s rather naughty, but he’s really funny at times too. He is really forgetful. He is the cooking “umma” in EXO-M, even when there’s nothing to do, he will cook. | Exo M
Suho | 21 | His personality is exemplar, polite and considerate. He pushes for peaceful conversations to solve problems and always buys the members delicious things. He’ll even check in with each and every member to see if they have any worries or concerns. | Exo K
Chanyeol | 19 | He’s a romantic person. He is a bright guy with a positive personality. When you’re by his side, you just start laughing no matter what. | Exo K

Rivals: CL | 21 | She is a professional, and extremely mature as 2NE1′s leader. However, when she doesn’t have to be as venomous, her adorableness shines. She uses her aegyo as it should be, and has a surprisingly naturally cute personality. It’s hard to hate her when you realize what an absolute sweetheart she is. She’s extremely grateful for her fans and you can always feel her sincerity. They have a friendly rivalry when it comes to rapping and dancing. | 2NE1

Love Interest: Kris | 21 |  He's very social and can talk to anyone. He knows magic tricks. He's the fashion king of Exo M. Looks really cool, but is actually an innocent, obedient and naive guy. | Exo M

Hey there! You look beautifuulll!

Ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong

Links: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six

Backup Ulzzang: Do Hwe Ji

Links: One | Two | Three | Four

Weight: 54 kg

Height: 163 cm

Ready to be on stage?

Stage-name: Sasha

Persona: Sassy One

Fan-club Name: Volts

Fan-club Color: Electric Blue

Position: B or A (I'm good with either one)

Wait! Wait! Before you leave!

Password: Ice Cream Cake

Scene requests? How she first met Kris, Tao, Suho, Chanyeol. Haneul was tired after a day of training in SMent and fell asleep on a couch in a random room but what she didn't know is that was EXO's lounge room where they rested after practice and tried on outfits and such. She was passed out in a curled up position using her jacket as a blanket. The group entered, a bit loudly but that didn't wake Haneul, and Chanyeol was the first to notice her. The group was very confused as to what a girl was doing passed out on their couch. Kris was the one that was chosen to wake her up. When she opened her eyes she saw his face right up close to hers. She was a bit confused at first and the guys thought it was funny and cute. She apologized and left the room to go home, not even paying any attention to the 12 members of Exo. But her iPhone had fallen out of her jacket pocket and onto the couch without anyone noticing until it was too late. It was Tao that noticed it after accidently sitting on it. He pulled it out and showed it to the rest of EXO. They decided to keep an eye out for the mystery girl so next time they could return it. The next day her iPhone rang and Kris answered it. It was Haneul using Key's cell. Roughly 15 minutes later they met up at the back of SMent building and Key had came along. She explained as she was so tired she didn't realize that she had wondered into their room. He give her phone back and they went their separate ways. But what she also failed to notice was the 4 new contacts in her phone...

Questions: None that I can think of at the moment. If I have any, I'll PM you.

Comments: Fighting!

Fanclub suggestion: Sparks

Debut album suggestion: Electric Charge


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