Love Advice 1 (From Yours Truly, Hana!)

Hi! I'm Hana and this is my first blog so... let's get to it!


Girls. We're like a totally different animals to boys. To them, we're complicated creatures that are hard to understand. Believe me, i know. I have a brother who's thirteen and finally taking an interest on girls. So, as girls, we try to act "properly" in front of a guy we like. Which leads us to our first topic...


How To Act In Front Of A Guy:

As girls, we try to keep a good ammount of common sense. If you want to look stupid in front of your crush, go ahead. But i can't gurantee if the guy you like has an interest in dumb girls.

- So, first of all, be yourself. If you go and act like the most popular girl in you school (if you aren't already) then you're probably not going to impress a guy well enough. Acting like yourself gives an advantage on the guy getting to know you better and having trust in you. If you lie about your personality, then how can he trust you with anything else?

- Adding to "being yourself", its good not to get nervous and start stuttering. I know it hard since it's like: "He's right here! Talking to me! His attention on me!" But a guy wouldn't be able to hear you correctly if you stutter, right? And, if he can barely understand you, then he's gonna get bored and fight the easiest way to slip out of a conversation. Which leads to...

- Keeping him interested. If you're talking about how hot Taylor Launter was in the latest movie in Twilight then he'll obviously take no absolute interest in you (not unless he liked TL too which probably doesn't have a great chance either). A boy's mind is very different from a girl's, we all know that. Try to bring something both of you like. If he has an interest in Minecraft, then talk about something Minecraft-related (i speak upon experience)


I'll update soon for more advice.

Please feel free to leave questions :)



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