My Cousin, the Lizard

About a week ago, on August 14th, my baby cousin was born!

Her name's Elizabeth Anne Henry.

I call her Lizard.

I just met her today. I actually have a phobia of babies, so it was really really creeped out at first.

But then after I hung out with her while she was sleeping, she seemed cool. I haven't held her yet, but I'd like to before I head home in the morning.

I probably won't be updating again after tonight until Sunday afternoon, because tomorrow, I'm staying with my best friend Sondra, and we're going to go to her family's annual cook off. Yeah. Food. A. Lot. Of. Food. Minnie like. Minnie like a lot.

So yeah.

School is going well. To my surprise, there's a lot more anime lovers around this year, so I've made lots of new friends. And I plan to infect them all with the wonderful pandemic that is Kpop.



I would spam you tonight, but I want to get my chapters done while everyone is asleep and I don't have to feed the Lizard.





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kekeke you better get over that fear quickly....
MyButterfly #2
Phobia of children? Remind you of any one?!!
Oh precious dubu.