전기의 마음 Electro Heart : Application

It's Just You

AFF Username: bookworm_13

Link to Profile: click


All About Her

Character Name: Yong Soah

Age: 18

D.O.B: 10| 10 | 1993

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 47 kg

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Osaka, Japan

Ethnicity: Half-Korean/Half-Japanese

Languages: Japanese [fluent], English [fluent], Korean [a few misspelled words]


Beautiful As Flowers

Ulzzang Name: Jung Roo

HQ Picture Links:  B E A U T I F U L ~

Back-Up Ulzzang: Fancy

HQ Picture Links: P U R E

Style: Soah has a very colorful wardrobe and is not afraid to experiment with her clothes. She still does prefer pastel colors over dark ones. She has to feel comfortable in what she wears but at the same time it has to be stylish too. She prefers skirts and shorts as casual-wears and dresses on formal occasions. She does wear pants now and then but doesn’t wear it as much as others since she finds it a bit constricting. Since she majored in ‘Fashion Designing’ in her university, she has a knack for mixing up an eclectic style. She doesn’t realize how she does it but she does it nonetheless.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


Energy Pills

Description of Personality: Soah is a bright, humor-loving, brutally honest yet very warm at the heart kind of a girl. She takes life as it comes and lets go when it wants to. Sharp-tongued and a fast learner by nature, she gets very impatient with people who cannot understand things as easily as her. Though she might hate changes, she quintessentially portrays the blade of grass that bends at ease with the sword. Soah is a reserved girl and keeps to herself rather than confide her problems to another.

A complete introvert and shy around new people, Soah's the wet blanket of her group. She hardly seems interested in things and makes no effort to step outside from her cozy den. People often wonder why she was even accepted as a trainee. Well, looks can be deceiving, can't they? It's because when she dances, the only thought that goes through people's head 'One hella crazy b*tch!'. The moment she steps on the dance floor she thinks only one thing, the floor's her turf and they better know it. Her dance is electrifying and just watching her dance, people feel charged and pumped up. She mix and matches various forms creating an eclectic and unique style that practically screams her personality.

Soah hates to do anything that requires physical exhaustion and is found reading books and novels while the other trainees are slaving away their asses on the treadmills. Because she dances regularly and that too vigorously, her body remains in a fit shape and so she is always excused. A bit of a daredevil, Soah never backs down from a challenge. Since she falls a bit on the stubborn side, she refuses to give up no matter what happens. Even if it kills her, she'll use whatever means she can to win, as long as it's not underhanded.

Having such raucous members in her group, she's the sanest and stable one. If someone is thinking of cooking up some mischief, count it on Soah to pull their reins on hold. She won't just let them go away that easily either. Wicked is another word that defines Soah, the smallest price they have to pay is to undergo through another one of her unlimited experiments that excel in torture. Very mature for her age Soah is as every bit as responsible as she can be. With such large group, Soah knows some are bound to be in the shadows and if being in one helps one of her members shine; she'd willingly take that place.

However that doesn't mean Soah is a selfless heroine that is always ready to share other's grief that basically every crappy drama portrays. Soah can be mean, stone-cold and even far more ruthless than the Spartans. It's just that she's quite responsible and mature, so people get it easy. Soah has a hard time trusting people so she plays it safe by not even bothering to know people at all. Her scathing remarks and withering looks are able to even turn Medusa to tears. She's quite chivalrous for a girl and won't stand back like the crowd when she sees someone in trouble



fresh flowers | animes and mangas | starry nights | chicken | fashion | ice-cream | holidays | free gifts | long strolls in quaint places | collecting stickers of her favorite characters



doing household chores | partying | alcohol and smokes | romantic movies | high heels | green veggies | loud noises | moody people | being hit on | swearing


Any Fears?: N/A


  • mutters 'brain freeze' whenever an idea hits her
  • plugs on her headphones whenever people start arguing
  • slaps the nearest person when irritated
  • tilts her head to the right when confused



knitting | fashion designing | dipping her feet in water | figure-skating | writing stories | cloud-watching | intimidating and impressing people at the same time



1. Her mother is Japanese.

2. Her favorite subject is 'Psychology.'

3. She always wanted to own a white tiger as her pet.

4. She majored in 'Fashion Designing' in her university.

5. She likes back-hugging.

6. She knows two forms of wushu - karate and kung fu.

7. She can play the violin and piano.

8. She cannot use the word ‘oppa’.


Any Weird Talents?:

climbing trees | can write with both hands


Family And Friends

Father: Yong Ill Woo | 48 | CEO of Yong Corps. | A warm-hearted person whose hug is enough to cure all of your problems. Her father is everything Soah has and is the only person she looks up to. Her father is very caring, supportive and over-protective of Soah not letting her stand around any guy even 5 meters close to her. It was because of him she had to take self-defense lessons. Soah just knows that it's because he loves her too much and she wants to make him just as much as proud, if possible even more of her.


Mother: Yong Tsubasa | 35(deceased) | Violinist | She passed away when Soah was 5. All Soah can remember of her was that she was that type of person who could bring a warm bubble of happiness just by listening to her voice.


Siblings: N/A

Best Friends:

Park Jiyeon | 19 | Idol | She's everything Soah is not. A goddess of beauty, overflowing with aegyo and natural charm. Maybe this was the reason Soah was attracted to her. Jiyeon herself had not met someone like Soah, someone so blunt and straight-forward not bothering to think what other's thought. That's why when they first met, they immediately hit it off. Since Jiyeon is a senior in both age and experience, she's always advising her on what to say and what to be careful of. Despite their age differences, Soah acts as the mature one, making sure to look after her well like she was her own child.

Changmin | 24 | Idol | Mischievous and always bullying those around him, he was taken aback when Soah bonked him on the head regardless of his status as her senior or an idol when he pranked her. Since then he was always hanging around Soah trying to nag her one way or another but in the long turn ended up as being friends. Since he’s a bit selfish when it comes to sharing his things, he’s also quite possessive of her labeling her as one of his toys. Always hanging his arms around her shoulders or suddenly lifting her, he always tries to cautiously send out the message to everyone watching that only he can have Soah all to himself. And in the process also bullies anyone who tries to get close to her.



Dasom | 19 | Idol | Sweet, shy and loving to everyone around her, a bit low on the self-esteem and quite prone to breaking up, Soah's her knight in shining armor. She's always there to wipe her tears and help her stand up again. Because of this, Dasom loves her very much and even though Soah is the younger one in age, it's Dasom who acts like the younger one always wanting to receive attention from her and acting quite spoilt. She's quite possessive of her and doesn't want to share her with anyone.

Luna | 19 | Idol | Hard-working and passionate about her career. Besides boys, Soah is the only girl whom Luna uses her aegyo on. A true friend, Soah is always there for her never questioning her actions and believing in her. Unlike Dasom, Luna behaves as the mother in their relationship always making sure if she ate or not, always calling up on her important days and nagging at her not to stay out too late. Just like Dasom, Lunas' possessive of her and Soah's only wish - they both shouldn't meet.

Min | 21 | Idol | A quirky personality and a bubbly attitude, Soah first met her on the dance floor. Well things got pretty crazy and since then they've maintained strong contact with each other. Whenever they meet, they are always pointing out each others faults in their dance and helping them improve. Min is very straight-forward in nature just like Soah and hence she doesn't understand any clues sent to her making others laugh at her cute nature.


Rival: N/A


Romeo And Juliet

Lover: Kris

Age: 21

D.O.B: 6/12/1990

Status: Strangers

How did you meet?:

Soah first saw him when he handed Luna his umbrella on a particularly rainy day. It was back when they were all trainees.  Luna had gushed about how that handsome trainee had offered her his umbrella to prevent her from getting wet. Soah deduced that he was either a gentleman or else only wanted to get on Luna’s good side so it would be easy for him to debut. Over the years, she kept on seeing him now and then, aware of his changes but even then they did not know each other. Soah had never personally talked to him while Kris wasn’t even aware of her existence. Gradually Soah started to admire his way of talking, his manners, his aloof attitude, almost everything. Then EXO debuted and lots of things happened in a blur. MVs focusing on their awesome abilities were created, fans from all over the world fawned over them, he even created quite a reputation as a duizhang. Soah started liking him more and more. He seemed like an ethereal being that must have surely arrived from another planet. She found it hilarious since it matched EXO’s concept so well, from another planet. But then slowly Soah started feeling it, that burden of liking someone so beautiful it hurt your heart just to look at him. Slowly she started feeling intimidated by his beauty. Whenever they’d be in the same room, no matter how un-crowded, Soah found it suffocating just to even be in his presence and she’d somehow always find a way to leave the room. This happened countless times and slowly the duizhang started noticing it. At first he thought maybe she had something to attend to but then he noticed it only happened when he was in the room. He began growing curious, at first he thought maybe she was just trying to get his attention but soon he started noticing that whenever he’d try to approach her, she’d all but flee from him. Even when they were about to turn around the same corner, the moment she saw him, she’d turn back hastily as if she had forgotten something. It was since then that Kris really wanted to know what was wrong with her. How could anyone not like him? Not being conceited but come on the guy had looks to die for, didn’t he? Then what was her problem?

Personality description:

Cold, -faced, a complete control freak and a ruthless dictator, he’ll tear anyone to pieces with his words alone should they go against him. Well it seems he’s taken his role as a duizhang a bit too seriously. s may make faces at him behind his back and even though he’s well aware of it, he lets them be. He’s only that strict with them because he cares for them very much and doesn’t want them to end up in trouble. He has this air of superiority around him that just makes him hard to miss. Whether he wants to or not, he always ends up intimidating and impressing people at the same time. Behind his cold façade just lives a normal guy who wants to lead a normal life once in a while, even a day would be enough.

Back-Up Lover: Lay

Scene Request: N/A


She's My Bias

Stage Name: Soah

Persona: The Wicked Dancing Breeze

Position: {Highlight yours}: {Leader, Visual and Maknae will be chosen by me}

Main Dancer, Lead Rapper | Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer | Main Vocalist | Main Rapper, Sub-Vocalist | Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer | Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper | Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer | Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper, Sub-Vocalist


Random Questions

What song would you like to be the debut song?: Lovey Dovey. Umm, since it’s a seven membered-group, close to the number 8, also since it has a disco party genre, a bit electronic suitable to Electro Hearts’s taste. Step by KARA is also not bad.

Are you active?: Yes, almost 6 days of the week is spent of asianfanfics. Not the entire day but I check it once in a while to see if my subscriptions have been updated or not.

Why should I pick you?: I believe though Soah’s personality maybe a bit cliché and definitely a sore spot in the group, there has to be someone who has to control the other overly energetic and hyper members in the group. I also believe Soah has that dance form, her unique style that definitely defines what Electro Heart is all about. Since she majored in fashion, she can also design or say help out with the concept of her group now and then. Another plus point. ;)

Password: Kris




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