application fro seasons

Character Name: Bae Min Gee

Age: 16

Birthday: march 1

Ethnicity: half Korean half filipino

Personality:  jolly,frank, multi talented, somewhat tardy.... hates being bossed around ...hates repetitive surroundings...have a boyish attitude that’s why I have more guy friends than girl friends…loves adventures... and very curious ... somewhat moody...  when i like a person.. i become very stiff around him... but when i get used it i will start treating him as... a best friend type.. when i want to learn something... i will do everything i can to be the best in also a very loyal person..hates being paired with guys..very religious & family oriented but I really don’t like showing that character infront of many people…


Hobbies:  making songs, sketching manga stories, swimming, sleeping... hehehhe.. im a very deep sleeper... ....dancing( I’m fond of dancing out my feelings), singing (up to the top of my lungs specially when its party time) , acting( usually just in front of the mirror when nobody is around, im not really proud of my acting skills, yet some says im good) , painting ( ohh.. I really love it but im only able to paint persons who are special to, I really don’t know why but it just turns out like that every time), cooking..


Habits:  pouting of my lips whenever i feel .. under pressure... very sleepy... or hating things going on around me..( it’s a reflex action )

Likes: bar hoping, bbq, videoke singing, teaching younger kids with songs and dance, choco marble cake,

Dislikes: cockroaches ( I have a phobia on them), acting on stage ( woaahh I passed out when I tried it), arrogant persons ( wahh I just hate them I felt like I wanna punch them), being in the sun for too long ( well I don’t have a choice, I love the sum but my skin hates it T_T)

Which season are you?: summer

Postion: Jack of all trades

Persona: Boyish dance diva

Partner: Minwoo


Ulzzang Name: park shin hye??

Password: Let’s highlight for fun, huh? Kekeke :D

Anything else? Questions? Statements?: … heheh… I realy like the plot.. heheh… but theres one thing that I don’t understand whats the ulzzang thing? Heheh I just paste down my fav Korean actress for that, hehe .. im just new to asian fan fics..)


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