Venting my anger

i'm sorry but this blog is just what the title says.

i woke up this morning fine and happy. it was ur tipical morning and the day seemed to go great. that is until i finally got the chance to use the computer again.

my brother had been looking at the computer the whole morning because it was acting fuzy so he decided to fix it. he ended up having to restart the computer so it could work again. meaning everything had to be reverted back to how it was when we kinf of first got it. the problem with that is that everything that was saved onto the computer got erases from existence.

now i knew my brother was trying to fix the internet but if i had know he was going to restart the whole computer i would have pushed him out of the way, gotten my usb drive and saved up every single file i had in here. problem was that i didn't know so when i got on the computer and wanted to continue writing my fics they weren't there. every single thing i had written got erased and now its completely gone. which pissed me off because i'd been working on things that were only saved up on my computer and nowhere else. like a fic i was writing that came to mind and i just started typing what was in my head at the moment, now its gone and there's no way i can remember who i f****** started it....this makes me mad without end.

and now i'm not even sure who i shold be pissed at him or me. maybe both..him for doing it without thinking and me for not saving everything to my usb drive..i trusted that everything would be there but now its not. i guess im just glad that some of my fics r already up here so i dont have to start from scratch with them. i think i would be even more mad if Everything But Normal, Love is Complecated and Boys vs. Girls was gone forever without a trace.

anyway if you read this sorry but i wanted to vent my anger this way. now i feel more calm and the anger is subsiding kind of.


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man that really i hope that nothing happens to ur stories. if something does happen please don't be emo for months i'll tell u positive things everyday..because i do get that it , i was really mad this morning because of it...i hope that ur ok and i will keep on writing can't let something like this keep me down ^^
I know exactly how you feel!!!! Two months ago my computer suddenly froze and it's still not fixed. My mom has to figure out what's causing the problem. If it's the Motherboard or Hard Drive then I'm screwed and I'm going to lose all of my work (about ten stories). I'm going to be pissed if that happens, and I swear I'll probably go on an emotional breakdown, meaning I'll probably be Emo for a few months.<br />
So I pray for you that you stay strong and do your best to keep writing your stories and keep making all of your readers happy, including me:)