The Next Generation Application Form



"I Was Quietly Chosen From The Countless Member of My Peers"

Username: [hyperlinked to your profile please]

AFF Activity: [1-10 with ten being most active]

Introductions: [What can I call you?]


"Who Do You Think I Am?"

Name: [You don't have to have a last name and it doesn't have to be an Asian name... Be creative]

Gender: [I just felt like asking...]

Nickname(s): [Was it given to you by humans or by other Vocaloids?]

Age: [Can be anything under 40]

Birthday: [month/day]


"Notice When I Have A Different Hair Style From Usual"

Looks: [ 3+ THIS IS NOT AN ULZZANG!!! You're a Vocaloid and Vocaloids are animated so please give me pictures of an animated character... They can be sketches or CGIs (Computer Generated Images) as long as they are clear and preferably have color... Please try not to use well known characters from animes]

Name of Looks: [If the character has a name and the anime/movie they're from]

Height: [cm and ft]

Weight: [kg and lbs]

Description: [Hair color? Texture? Length? Eye color? Birthmarks? Long lashes? Bushy eyebrows? Give me specifics]

Unnatural: [Piercings? Tattoos?]

Style: [A HQ link and a description for her usual outfit, 2+ links for formal, 2+ links for sleepwear, 3+ links for casual]


"The Number One Princess In The World"

Personality: [3+ paragraphs please...DETAIL DETAIL DETAIL!!! Give me specifics, quirks, funny qualities, EVERYTHING!!! And please, no Mary Sues... Everyone has some bad traits so please include them... BE CREATIVE!!! I like strange, out-there personalities... they're interesting to read and write]

Personality Summary: [Just a sentence or two summarizing your personality]

Likes: [6+]

Dislikes: [6+]

Habits: [4+]

Hobbies: [4+]

Talents: [2+]

Fears: [1+]

Trivia: [optional]


"I Believe That We Will Always Be Able To Stick Together"

Friends: [1-4 This can be Vocaloids or idols/ulzzangs off the master list though I can't promise I'll be able to include the idols/ulzzangs so I'd suggest making most of your friends Vocaloids] [Format: Name | Best Friend/Close Friend/Friend | Personality | Your Relationship With Them]


"You Will Regret This Afterwards"

Rival: [optional - must be a Vocaloid] [Format: Name | Personality | Reason for Rivalry]

How It Plays Out: [What do you do to each other because of this rivalry? Do you sabotage each other? Steal? Cheat? Or just refuse to talk and hang out with them?]


"My Very Own Prince In The World"

Love Interest: [Can be an idol/ulzzang off the master list, an OC, or a Vocaloid] [Format: Name | Age | Personality] [If he is an OC please include 2+ pics]

Back Up Love Interest: [same format as above]

Height: [cm and ft]

Weight: [lbs and kg]

Your Relationship: [How you act around each other]

His Past Relationships: [optional - Must be a Vocaloid] [Note: These will be during the story, not before (unless your love interest is a Vocaloid)]

His Voice: [1+ links of him singing - can be a human or a Vocaloid]

Name of His Voice: [The name of whoever you used above for his singing example(s)]

Crushes: [optional -Did you like anyone else before you liked your love interest? - Must be a Vocaloid]


"I Was Created Beyond The Comprehension Of Science"

Singing Examples: [2+ Please have them be the same artist... This can be a Vocaloid if you want, but it doesn't have to be]

Name of Voice: [The name of whoever you used above for your singing examples]

Description: [Describe your voice - Is it mature or cutesy? Low or high? Ect.]

Language(s): [max. 3 What language(s) does your character sing in? Note: This does NOT affect your communication with other Vocaloids]

Fame: [Do you think your character would be a popular Vocaloid?]

Ending: [Would you mind if your character had a tragic ending?]


"I Didn't Come With A Leek, But I'd Very Much Like One"

Happy or Sad: [What kind of end do you think the story should have in general? Happy, sad, tragic, insane...]

Scene Requests: [No promises I'll be able to fulfill them, but I'll try - Nothing rated M either (, torture, ect.)]

Anything Else?: [Did I miss anything?]

Comments, Questions, Concerns: [If you want to impress me, you can tell me what two songs I took the english lyrics from and used for the titles]

Suggestions: [I don't have everything planned out for this story so any suggestions would be welcome whether they be plot based, character based, suggestions for how to make their world, or specifics]




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XiuDOLay #1
I updated my app, I changed the appearances.
XiuDOLay #2
and this is Ji Hyun :)

I'll try to sketch them for you but I'm not sure... I'll try.
XiuDOLay #3