The Future is Yours app!


no is not the answer

welcome to hell

username: dattebayo-go
how ually active are you in aff?: 9

hey i just met you  

name: Oh Senyoung 
cute nicknames: Senny, Senstorm, Boyfriend,  Ms. Angel

ethnicity: Korean - 100% [all the way]
happy birthday to you, i hope you drown in a pool: December 26th, 1992
age: 20
birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
hometown: Los Angeles, California -> Seoul, South Korea

- plot twist

" no is not the answer. "
         why was your house fuq'd up?: Senyoung loves her cousin, Sehun, a lot and so she's always spoiling him, like letting him have parties at her place, giving him money to spend, and all of that. Sehun basically lives with her and he always has friends over. But Senyoung can't say no because of their family bonds and such. So, she's living in a place with Sehun's rebellious attitudes while working her off.

" what's college? " - back up, i suppose.
         college/uni major: Musical Performance + Music Theory and Composition
         college/uni minor:
 Performing Arts.

all about you gurlfrand ex0ex0

personality: Senyoung is an intelligent and warm-hearted girl. She's like a cup of hot chocolate for your coldest days. She is a pretty organized and hard-working girl who strictly focuses on her career and education. But of course, she does have friends and family to support as well. Maybe it's her high tolerance that makes her do all of these things for her family, especially her baby cousin, Sehun. Senyoung is basically called "Ms. Angel" because she can't never deny someone in their "time of need". She just it up and helps out no matter what. And maybe that's why she doesn't keep her friends close, because, she knows that they'll take advantage of her and she won't be able to deny them. So, Senyoung likes to keep her enemies, if she has any, closer. 

Senyoung is too caring and too worrisome, especially for Sehun. People don't understand why Senyoung's so attached to the boy. But, they don't say anything about it. Senyoung is an obedient daughter who listens to her family's wishes and she doesn't complain, at all. On the outside, Senyoung is a diligent, strong, and angelic girl with a considerate heart and caring soul. But, on the inside, she's just a bomb, ready to explode from all of the burdens and pressure that life gives her.

likes: 1. Snow boarding; 2. Reading; 3. Running; 4. Dogs; 5. Taro; 6. Strawberries; 7. Cute "kawaii" things; 8. Photography; 9. Guitar and piano; 10. Coffee
dislikes: 1. Aegyo; 2. Alcohol; 3. Smoking; 4. Hardcore, screamo-type music; 5. Distractions

habits: 1. She's an coffee-addict, 2. Senyoung digs her nail into her skin unintentionally (due to overwhelmness - lol, is that even a word? Oh well, now it is!)
hobbies: 1. Studying; 2. Sports; 3. Cloud watching; 4. Playing instruments; 5. Cooking
trivia: 1. Senyoung's weakness is: aegyo - she can't deny it; 2. Senyoung can do sign language; 3. She's quite traditional - she's into the ancient Korean kinds of stuff - with a modern twist; 4. Senyoung has never been to a concert before; 5. Her favorite color is gray and white. She's simple-minded like that as well.

that's what makes you beautiful

ulzzang: Oh Se Rim
backup: Kang Su Ra
clothes: Although she's supposed to dress formally for work and such, Senyoung usually wears ripped jeans, large sweatshirts, casual top, and all are in neutral colors. Her style is more on the lazy side because, well, she's a busy girl and sometimes, fashion doesn't come to her quick enough. And let's just say, she'd choose sneakers over heels anyday.
extra: Senyoung likes to wear a necklace that Sehun gave to her on her 16th birthday. It's a lock and key pendant from Tiffany & Co. [check it out below. like rite der!]


good gull gone bad

background: Senyoung is the youngest child in her family, so, she really didn't have to be depended on much. Her brother, Senhyun, and her cousin, Sehun, were very close. Actually, all three of them were very close. To Senyoung's wishes, she moved to LA to study a couple years or so. It wasn't until she came back when she found out her brother had died in a car accident. Her brother, being the drunk one, not only killed himself and his passangers, but, he also killed the family in the other car. She was only 15 (btw, she went to America when she was like 10, shocking huh?). Her family was in turmoil and so, she stepped up to the plate. From then on, everyone began to depend on her and she began to grow weak to her family's wishes, especially Sehun's. 

Oh Jungmin | Father | CEO of Oh Corporations - a law firm | He gives her the tough love act although he worries for her a lot. They are both very similiar and actually, Senyoung has her father's looks. But he tends be cold towards her. Only when she's not looking, he's the warm and loving dad.

Oh Sooyoung | Mother | House Wife | She's the nice parent although, she doesn't have the courage to relaly do anything with Senyoung. She's more like a friend instead of a mother. The two are awkward with each other as well and only talk when needed to.

Oh Sehun | Baby cousin | High School Student | Sehun is like her little brother whom likes to be spoiled. He gets everything from Senyoung and uses aegyo to attack her. He truly cares for her even though it doesn't seem like it. He's a spoiled brat with a big heart, and yes, a lisp.

the michael phelps and justin biebers of your life

best friends: 


Lee Sungyeol | 21 | Best friend

Sungyeol is like Senyoung's other half. Unlike her, he's the loud and hyper-active maniac who loves to enjoy his life. They both are very different, but, opposites attract. They are like twins who are both addicted to coffee and each other, you could say. He's the only one who understands her the most and has a promise to protect her.



Jang Dongwoo | 22 | Friend

He's one of the friends who takes advantage of Senyoung. Truthfully, Dongwoo is an upbeat and innocent guy who just doesn't know what todo sometimes. He relys on Senyoung because, well, she's intelligent and wealthy. But, in the end, he always pays her back with dates, gifts, and hugs.


Nam Woohyun | 21 | Friend

Woohyun is the aegyo-king, 2nd to Sehun. He is another of those many friends that takes advantage of Senyoung, but like Dongwoo, he always makes it up. Woohyun is like a 5-year old kid who loves attention and yes, being spoiled. No wonder why he likes Senyoung so much.


Choi Sulli | 19 | Friend

Senyoung is actually the tutor of this girl, due to their parent's wishes. But Sulli is an aegyo monster and she likes it when Senyoung spoils her. Sulli calls Senyoung her "boyfriend" because, well, she acts like one, apparently. Sulli is a quirky girl who loves skinship with Senyoung as well.


Lee Jieun | 19 | Friend

Like Sulli, Jieun is one of Senyoung's students-to-be-tutored. She's a bit dense and carefree. Jieun is like a ball of fluff and she unintentionally releases aegyo and she gets whatever she wants. Jieun is a clingy girl to Senyoung and like Sulli, she calls her "boyfriend".


somebody call 9-1-1

and none for gretchen weiners, bye.: 


Kim Hyuna | 20

why do you hate each other: Hyuna hates how Senyoung is so...nice. Of course, she's one of those people who wants to be the first to make Senyoung angry, so she tries messing with her. She hates how Senyoung also just "gives" money away when really, Senyoung is just too nice to say no.

me plus you. ima tell you one time.

your bb: Luhan (my first choice) and Kim Myungsoo (back-up)

Luhan is a guy with a heart, and yes, he's nice too. A gentleman to be more exact. He's well-mannered and serene, giving off an angel aura as well. But, his other side, he's a total diva who nags and nags his friends to death, literally. He's smart too and loves playing with the Rubix Cube too. And because he's easily influenced by his friends, he also has an aegyo side too. God, he hates it but it just comes out. And when it comes down to girls, relationships, and love, Luhan falls for them, hard. He'll do anything to get the girl to be his. So overall, Luhan's the sweet gentleman-like, naggy diva who has a hateful aegyo side and a fiery stubborn determination for love.

Myungsoo is a quiet and quite rude. He's a bit cocky and sometimes a jerk. But, those who know him well know the true Myungsoo. He's kind-hearted and really dorky. Myungsoo's a pineapple, according to his friends Lee Sunjong, Lee Hoya, and his brother, Kim Sunggyu. He may be hard and pokey on the outside, but he's soft and sweet on the in. He loves photography and sometimes, he day dreams about his future - yes, Myungsoo is quite the cheesy man himself. Myungsoo never gives up, especially on things he likes or has interets in.

relationship: Luhan is a friend of Sehun's and comes over plenty of time. Of course, the two have never met. So they're just strangers basically. For Myungsoo and Senyoung, he's just a friend of Sungyeol's and because the choding talks about her so much, he simply fell in love with her without really meeting her.

before you go

comments: Goodness that took a while!! I hope you like it author-nim!!! :D Whew~ *wipes sweat off forehead* I shall go now :DDDD

By the way, I'm a huge noob and I seriously don't know how to, I hope the pictures weren't a hassle. Please don't hate me *cries and begs*
suggest something: Hm. A huge summer vacay for all the kids?? XD
tell me your wish: I wanna be a genie! Just kidding!! XD Actually, can you make a cousin moment for Sehun and Senyoung??? :)))

boss level: Justing Beiber ft. Chris Brown - Next To You (loves those two so dang much!!!) and...seriously?? Michel Phelps is WAYY AWESOME(r) than that Niall guy ;D don't try tricking us now~



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