I love Donghae!

I have many crushes besides him

but for some unknown reasons, I am being obsessed with him right now. GR!! hahaa

is this the effect of studying for exams?

I'll have my exams tomorrow, so wish me luck, btw.

But back to the main topic.. I LOVE DONGHAE!!! Gr.

LOL. I keep on thinking about it, how would my name sound if I marry Donghae? Lei Lee? Doesn't it sound a bit awkward.

If I marry him, I'll be forced to use my real birthname, Melissa. Hm... Melissa Lee? Sounds MUCH better.

But I prefer using my nickname, Lei! >_<

oh well, I shouldn't bother about this..because..I won't be marrying Donghae in the first place..

and I think I'm getting crazy. This might be the side effect of the medicine I took, just now.

But then again, I AM crazy, even without medicines.

Wait...this blog is getting more and more nonsensical. so I'll end it now.


-Lei Lee/ Melissa Lee

( i wanted to use font colors and italics and other effects, but my browser wouldn't let me do so! Gr. LOL)


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AHAHAH lol Dongsaeng is so cute :D imma gonna call u LeiLee now xD<br />
and Melissa Lee sounds cool as well :D<br />
hehhe have a nice marriage with Donghae :D<br />
ill be marrying his dongsaeng Kyuhyun xD<br />
<br />
btw GOODLUCK for ur exams :D<br />
LOL This blog is hilarious. I like Melissa Lee. I don't get why you don't like your name! It's pretty!!
LonelyDay #3
HAHA --> Mrs Lei Lee :P what a weird name but sounds interesting though xD