So today I went with my preggo unnie and my Boyfriend to the store to buy my lil sis CatCat some medicines and food because she has been having frequent headaches. But I couldn't help but dance to GANGMAN style ( if you haven't heard of it, it is by PSY ) . While no one was in the aisle that me and my unnie and bf were in, I danced to it while my unnie stood there pretending not to know me and my bf joined in. ^^  I looked up to the security camera and held up a sign saying " OPPA GANGMAN STYLE!" I bet the security thinks we are weird now o.o But I remembered about CatCat and I bought flowers for her. I know you think you are wasting your time with this, but without that little voice in yur head, you wouldn't be able to read this . ._.


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PandaMinSoo #1
I did that too when BIGBANG's Sunset glow was playing at a Asian market xD ppl were looking at me but oh well I don't give a damn.
meisninjamonkey #3
LOL brilliant! fans should randomly do this all over the world and it seems fun :D it makes me want to randomly dance oppa gangnam style every where now :))