Happy 18th Birthday Kaji ^O^

The title says it all ^O^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAJI and whoa you're officially 18 years old ^~^

I hope you'll have a great time with Mayu and the others especially with Mr. K ^O^ Too bad I'm not there to join and have some fun with you on your birthday again T_T Why is it we have different education system TT_TT

But whoa I notice that you and Mayu are now 19 while I'm the only one who is only left behind but still have a great birthday *~*

Anyway here's a picture and some info about her ^^
Name: Kajima Momoko
Nickname: Kaji, Momo, Momo-chan, Ka-chan, Mo-chan, Kaji the hacker
Birthdate: July 19, 1993
Age: 18 years old
Blood Type: O

That's her the pretty girl in the picture ^O^ She's really cute but for me she'll always be my cute mischievous bestfriend ^^

So Otanjoubi Omedeto Kaji and eat a lot of desserts that you like especially cake but be careful when you eat because you might get fat O_O

I also hope that your summer would be a blast I bet that you and others already went to the beach *O*

Mou! I'm so jealous I hope I was there too >_<

And also my classmates and I did something for you ^O^ I know that you already know my classmates that's why we did this ^~^ I hope you'll love it Kaji *O* And don't forget ALL OF US LOVE YOU ^^
1st row: Sarapyon (Me), Jamii, Megan
2nd row: Shari, Stephanie Sensei
3rd row: Sophiya, Kyze, Dani

Once again Happy 18th Birthday KAJI ^O^


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Happy B-Day~! ^^
HAppy birthday Kaji~! :D ♥