Standing Beneath the Midnight Sun



Username: KaiKwang

Profile Link:

Activeness: 8


Name: Alice Thane

Nickname: Black Cat/ Jynxie

Codename: Pandora

Age: 17

Birthday: 4/1/95

Ethnicity: Half-Canadian, Half-French

Blood Type: AB

Birthplace: Quebec, Canada

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Languages: French, English, Korean



Ulzzang's Name: Kaya Scodelario


Backup Ulzzang's Name: Monika Jagaciak


Height & Weight: 158 cm & 43 kg

Clothing Style: Alice often wears very vibrant and distracting clothes. Instead of trying to blend in like many operatives, she uses herself to draw attention from her schemes. She is known for constantly being in neon tutus and vibrant shirts. Her clothes are usually comfortable, but sometimes she has a few tricks up her sleeves, literally. Many of her clothes are baggy and capable of holding gadgets and tools that she uses for her traps and sabotage.

Others: A single tattoo between her shoulder blades.,width=190,height=190/Chaos-Star,-Symbol-of-chaos,-vector,-everything-has-meaning-and-magic-power!-Power-symbol,-Energy-symbol.png




Personality: Pandora is extremely random. She can seem as if she isn't paying attention to a single thing in the world, but she is actually rapidly taking in her surroudings. She is a cautious girl, she only will open up to someone that she feels close to. She has few boundaries, so she is willing to do whatever it takes to finish the job. She is a huge fan of chaos and panic. Pandora has been known to say something completely inappropriate just to see how people around her react. Despite her willingness to hurt people Pandora is actually a very sweet girl, always trying  not to make people around her too angry. The problem is she doesn't have a whole lot of experience with socializing so she often says things that are considered rude or sensitive subject without realizing it.

Background: Alice was born in Quebec without her father. Her mother, Danica Thane, was a psychiatrist who was in great need of a psychiatrist. Danica prescribed her daughter with numerous medications, testing to see how they responded to each other. Danica was ambitious and had no qualms against using her daughter to get to her goals. Alice was a very peculiar child due to her mom. She would always be left out of groups and often picked on, but she worked around it. She kept herself company with her imaginary friends, though many of them weren't quite "imaginary" to her due to the drugs. Her mother diagnosed her with "Drug induced schizophrenia" since she had no evidence of these apparitions until Danica had started medicating her.

When Alice turned 13 her mother OD'd on the very drugs she had been giving Alice for years. Alice would have been sent into foster care, where the world would have learned of how the great Danica Thane was experimenting on her child, had it not been for the convenient timing of her father showing up. Zane Krios was his name, he and Danica had a relationship going but couldn't get married due to Zane's personal issues. Zane Krios was his official name though most people new him as Jynx. Jynx was a master assassin, having a perfect record, assuming you could find it. Every kill Jynx did was passed off as bad luck or an unfortunate accident. Jynx spent the next 6 months after his meeting with Alice to help her get off of the drugs. Alice recovered quite well, though a few of her "friends" stayed in her head. Jynx found that Alice could rapidly take in her surroundings and learn at an unimaginable pace. After she was off of the drugs she became better at socializing. Jynx began to teach Alice the ways of the assasssin.

By the time she was 15 Alice could turn any situation into her own personal game. Buildings would collapse around her, people would trip onto conveyor belts leading to mechanical death traps, and so much more. Alice was a natural, before she knew it Pandora, as she had chosen to call herself, was becoming a more circulated name in the trade than Jynx. Jynx was proud to see his daughter do so well, but for a pupil to secede their teacher in such little time was unacceptable. Jynx always chose work over family, and so he decided to assassinate his daughter. Or at least try. Pandora went to meet her father, just as Jynx had planned, but Jynx hadn't anticipated how much his daughter had learned. She didn't only survive, she put Jynx in his own trap. It wasn't until several days later that the staff found a dead man hanging in the freezer of the restaraunt, with an intricate star burned into his forehead.

Pandora moved to Seoul where she joined the Mythic Court and learned Korean. (Information continues into the recruitment section)

Likes:  Butterflies, puzzles, riddles, licorice, reading, gadgets, and tricks.

Dislike: Water, slow music, boredom, rabbits, being alone (despite her constantly being isolated), argyle.

Hobbies: Reading, dancing, gymnastics, tinkering.

Trivia: The tattoo on her back is actually a star representing chaos.

Alice's codename Pandora was chosen because of Pandora in Greek Mythology opening Pandora's box which caused chaos.

Pandora doesn't like people knowing about what her mother did to her, so she tries to hide her "friends."

Her imaginary friends mainly consist of Liam, the neon green butterfly, who has a terrible potty mouth, and a silver-plated crow named Poe, Poe is only capable of saying "Do it, I dare you."

Pandora doesn't feel any remorse for the crimes she has commited because she thinks of the assignments she gets as games. Similar to how it's okay to shoot your friends when playing cops and robbers.

Pandora reads at 600 words per minute and has perfect recall, but she forgets a lot of information after a while. She doesn't lose memories, just information so she can make room for more.

Makes judgement on others quickly.

Pandora examines the habits of others and will take note of them in case she has to "play" with them later.





Pandora got accepted into the organization due to her flawless resume and the destruction she leaves in her happy-go-lucky path. She used to work with the Mythic Court as an assassin, but that ended after she was given a secret contract from an anonymous buyer. She then began to wreak havoc among the ranks of the Mythic Court. The Mythic Court is now eradicated, excluding a few members who had told Pandora that they weren't playing the game anymore.


Strengths: Sabotage. Rapidly adapting to situations. Analyzing targets. Gathering information. Distractions. Acrobatics. Escape.
Weaknesses: Hand to hand. Shooting. Short attention span. Hydrophobic. Follows a set of rules over all else. 
Will kill the minimum amount of people to fulfil the contract.
Will not kill people that "quit the game."
Liam and Poe have more authority than her contracter.
Protects outcasts.



From a scale of 1-5, please describe the following: Please do not give yourself all fives. 

Intelligence:  4.5 (Quick learner)

Stamina: 3 (She is okay, but dancing and acrobatics are a hobby, not a lifestyle.)

Agility: 1 (She takes her time with her work)

Perception: 5 (Anything around her is known to her)

Teamwork: 4 (She works good with coordinating with others)

Weaponry: 0 ( in a fight)

Finesse: 4, always finishes THE job, but may use different methods than specified.

Position on team: Saboteur/Gadgeteer



Experience in field: She was raised by her mother who had no idea about the world her father worked in. However, her father always planned on coming back to show her what the world had to offer. She has never failed a mission yet. She took down a highly renowned assassin (Jynx) in her early years of working. Pandora is a master of traps and gadgets, making her a valuable asset to the team. Pandora is a master of chemistry and physics, using both to her advantage. She is capable in mechanics, but she is more likely to use a homemade acid to incinerate a lock than to use some clever machinery to open it. She is known for a chemical compound that she made that acts as a neurotoxin when it comes into contact with skin. The afflicted of this chemical she calls Pandemonium see everything in a whirl of colors and often have severe hallucinations. Both her father's and her own killing records showed that she was a perfect candidate for Midnight Sun.




Family's Background: An aspiring psychiatrist that would do anything to get to the top and a mysterious assassin. She was doomed to be a screwed up child. Doomed to be insane, destined to be a person that was feared by those that had a wealthy rival. Shortly after she turned 15 and killed her father she started to take care of herself.

Father's Name: Zane Krios
Age: 40 (Deceased)
Occupation: Assassin

Mother's Name: Danica Thane
Age: 34 (Deceased)
Occupation: Psychiatrist





Best Friend's Name: Liam

How did you guys meet?: Drug made Liam invade April's mind. He decided he liked it there.

Friend's Name: Poe

How did you guys meet?: He followed her home from school one day and gave her the courage to cross the street with his single phrase, "Do it, I dare you."

Rival's Name: Liam (They have a love/hate relationship)

Why do you hate each other?: He wants to use April as his pawn in the real world.






Lover's Name: Kai

Age: 18

Birthday: 1/14/94

Personality: Clever, Witty, and Cold. He's generally easily annoyed, but there is something about Pandora that makes him want to see her more. Kai doesn't have a lot of trouble getting intimate with people. He's gorgeous and well aware of what women would do if given the right incentive. Kai keeps hidden blades on him at all times. Knives are his forte and when he can hide it, he is a master with a katana. He tries to teach Pandora how to fight, but she is hopeless when it comes to getting right in the fight. She still finds ways to outsmart him and she uses her surroundings against him frequently in the fights, but Kai still is determined to give her some sort of way to defend herself. Kai tends to just rush into situations and makes the best of it, he always gets in and out with little difficulty, but it's risky. Pandora finds his rash nature discomforting, but at the same time she can't resist him. Kai and Pandora tease one another, always trying to see which of them can get further under the other's skin. Kai never sees Pandora as a psychopath, and even embraces her peculiarites. Kai is curious to talk to Liam, though he kind of just wants to convince Pandora that she is in charge and that Liam has no control over her. As they work together Pandora stops looking at Kai as if he is toying with her and more as if he actually cares. Kai usually plays around with women, but he finds himself only wanting Pandora.

Scene Requests: Pandora and Kai begin their first sparring session so Kai can see what Pandora is capable of. He tells her to pick a weapon. Pandora scans the wall with a quick sweep of her eyes. Then she gives Kai a quick glance, taking note of the minor bulges of knives upon his person. She walks past all of the weapons on the wall and picks up a sturdy chain that was lying on the ground. Kai gives her a quick condascending look, but draws two knives from his belt. Pandora quickly took note of his new reach due to the knives and prepared herself for what would be her first close up fight. Kai dashed in, slicing in and out of Pandora's reach. Pandora tried to use the chain as a minimal form of protection until she could put her plan into place. She hooked the chain onto Kai's belt without him noticing, but she took a thin gash in her arm in the process. She panics at the sight of her injury, Kai took the moment to do a quick leg sweep which sent her falling. Kai held a knife up to as she lay there on the ground. "Do it, I dare you," Poe's voice called from behind her. Pandora tugged on the chain that she had hooked to Kai, knocking him off balance. She followed up with an upward jump, sending her body smashing into him. Kai fell to the ground, when Pandora fastened the chain to a nearby hook that must've been the chains original location. Kai stared at the chain with bewilderment trying to comprehend what had just happened. After he had realized that Pandora had managed to techincally beat him, he gave her a quick flash of a grin, realizing he had clearly been wrong about what Pandora could do.


Back-up Lover's Name: Suho

Age: 21

Birthday: 5/22/91

Personality: Suho is the one in charge. He keeps EXO-K in line. He is extremely kind and easy going as long as everything is going according to plan. Once things start going wrong however, Suho panics and starts acting violently. Suho usually incapacitates the people in his way to get to his target, choosing not to kill them. In the case that he has to kill them he uses his strength to throw his targets off of buildings, crushing their bones to pierce vital organs, or occasionally snapping their necks. He fights like a bull, trampling over anyone in his way and never stopping. Suho is a bit older than Pandora but they get along great. Suho is careful to not push her, knowing how unstable she is capable of being. Suho acts kind of like an anchor, holding her down to reality. Suho is excellent at hand to hand and several forms of martial arts, as well as some wrestling techniquies.

Scene requests: While practicing with Suho, Pandora randomly comments on how he needs to fix his form. Suho asks what she knows about form and she says that if he brought his leg in he would have a more stable position so he could use more force without having to worry about losing balance. Suho says thanks, but Pandora replies, "He says your welcome." Suho starts questioning her about who "he" is and learns about Liam, who often notices things and points them out to her. (It's actually her perceptiveness, but her mind is unstable so it tries to help her understand her high perception skills using Liam as an extra pair of eyes.)


Password: Midnightsun



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Hey thanks for applying! Sorry it took me a while to comment on the apps, I'm just finishing up my other stories. First off, I really really like the background info. Love it. It's
Super unique, and the fact that she leaves chaos everywhere and is a sabotager? Perfect. However, I need more info everywhere. The background is great, but I need more info on her personality (dot forget the flaws!) and she can't be better than her mentor. That would just sort of defeat the purpose.... She also needs more weakness. If she's that great, she should be already a full time agent and that's no fun. Give me a bit more to work with here, but keep in mind I already like the background, also don't forget to add more to Kai and suho too. Tell me about their weaknesses and personalities and how they start falling for her. Thanks once again!