any tips please?

Hi everyone!



so for those who read my last blog, or if you didn't read my last one(engaged) i need some help!



My fiancee and I need a few ideas on some color schemes for our wedding. 



What do you guys think?



Also, what's a great honeymoon spot? (no korea because.....he don't like korea >.<)


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Eeek I LOVE weddings! Hmm not sure about colour scheming, maybe just black and white? That can look modern and stylish. As for good honeymoon spots..well theres Paris which might be a bit cliche but would be pretty awesome. Fiji..tour America (unless you're American and then that might not be as cool..)..Thailand..Switzerland..congrats btw ^^
Aigoo I can't help you there lol...I have no damn clue for wedding, considering I never went to one(you know like American theme) T_T...honeymoon??? Idk too lol sorry I couldn't be of help!! As long as you're happy and not one of the bridezilla lol!
I agree with everything Angela said. Like everything.
Ah, and for color schemes...
I think colors that go well might be pink or lilac? If your dress is going to be white, then it'll probably go well with anything. If your husband to be will be wearing a black suit/tuxedo, I can imagine him having a lilac tie or something. You can also make the shades of color more bright and attention grabbing depending on your personal tastes.
Brown and blue go well, too in my opinion, although they might not be wedding appropriate ^^'
I suggest going on Google and searching wedding color schemes. Maybe that might help you get some ideas ^^~
First of all, congratulations on your upcoming wedding!! <3
I think I need to think a little more on the color scheme idea, but what about going to Europe for your honeymoon? Switzerland maybe, or rural France? Or countryside England?