S6 | Park Hyemin | Sector Six


Application for [Sector Six]


 ⁞‖⁞ sapiunt

username sketchitout
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Kat or Katrina
                            1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


⁞‖⁞ caeli

full name Park Hyemin
nickname(s) Minnie or Min
age 16
date of birth 03 // 03
height 147 cm
weight 48 kg
ethnicity Korean
place of birth Seoul, South Korea

languages spoken Korean (fluent), English (conversational)


⁞‖⁞ glaciem

name of ulzzang Kim Dahyun
photographs [1 
| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5]
name of back-up ulzzang Seo Jihye
photographs [1 
| 2 | 3]
personal style Very cute and girly. Hyemin likes to wear skirts and ballerina flats along with cute headbands. Even though she dresses cute, she still dresses comfortably, and will sometimes wear sweatpants to the grocery store. She likes to stay away from outfits that have too many dark colors, and loves the color yellow, so she tries to incorporate yellow into her outfit somehow.

[1 | 2 | 3]


⁞‖⁞ terra

the sector  Sector Six; Mind
personality Hyemin is a day-dreamer. She often tells people it's because she's a pisces as an excuse. Hyemin has a lot of aegyo, and likes to use it on people who hate aegyo the most. She's a very care-free girl who pays no attention to the drama at school, unless it's a play--she participates regularly in plays.

Hyemin isn't very bright either, but very philosophical in nature. She doesn't care much for boys, either, mostly because she's too naive to tell if a guy is flirting with her or not. But if she likes you, you'll be able to tell with her clingy ways and want to please. Overall, Hyemin is a 4D girl who wants something more from life.


likes Yellow | Fantasy movies, books, etc. | Springtime | Hibiscus flowers | Pororo | Strawberries
dislikes Drama (among people) | Tomatoes | Meat | Violence | Dogs (they scare her) | When people are rude
hobbies Reading | Gardening | Writing poetry | Baking (even though she's not good at it) | Acting (in plays)
habits She pouts when she's thinking hard | She'll bite her nails if she thinks they're too long | She closes her eyes when she listens to music | She always cracks her knuckles and neck in the morning
trivia She's a vegetarian

background Hyemin's mother died during childbirth, so she never knew her. She was raised by her dad and her older sister. Hyemin's life was pretty ordinary, with nothing of note happening to her until the age of fourteen, when she was moved into a performing arts school for her acting abilities.

Hyemin got a job at a coffee shop at the age of fifteen to help her father who was struggling to pay the bills. Her sister works as well, at a clothing store. Hyemin cares a lot for her family and often takes double shifts at the coffee shop so long as it will help her dear father.



⁞‖⁞ fulgur


× Father | Park Jinsung | 52 | alive | He is a very hard-working, caring father who will do anything for his little girls. He's the type of dad that still gives his grown children bear hugs. | Since all Hyemin has is her father, they're pretty close. They have a hard time finding time to be together because of how hard he works.
× Mother | Chae Hyeri | 35 | dead | She was a caring mother who sang lullabies to her daughter to help her fall asleep. | (Hyemin never knew her mother)
× Siblings | Park Sooyoung | 20 | College student/worker at a clothing store | alive | Sooyoung, like Hyemin, is a very bright person who likes to do aegyo. But under that, she's a caring girl who became a sort of mother figure to Hyemin, even though she's only 4 years older than her little sister. | Hyemin and Sooyoung are very close. They're more than sisters--they're best friends. Sooyoung guards Hyemin like a mother guards a daughter.
× Other Family N/A

× Best Friend | Bang Minah | 18 | Minah is another aegyo queen. She's adorable and, like Hyemin, is fairly 4D. | Minah and Hyemin are like long-lost twins. They do aegyo to each other to cheer one another up, and care for each other with their whole hearts. They met when Hyemin was a freshman in high school and Minah was a junior through one of the school plays.

other friends 

       × | Yoo Changhyun | 17 | If the people in Hyemin's life were in a Kpop group, Chanhyun would be the maknae who did aegyo just to annoy people. He's very bright and happy, and is rarely serious. | Changhyun and Hyemin met in an acting class in school. They're like brother and sister. And even though Changhyun seems sort of feminine, he cares for Hyemin like his own sister and will defend her to the end.

the girl your character becomes the closest to Sector Four: Water Manipulation

Since the only mother figure in Hyemin's life was her sister, she gets close to the fourth sector easily because of her caring and kind ways. The fourth sector is a steady anchor for Hyemin who will always listen to Hyemin's problems.


⁞‖⁞ ignis

♦the side of good

love interest »Zhang YiXing | 18
personality YiXing is the calm, cool, collected type of guy with a hidden cute side. He doesn't like to cause drama and prefers to use words rather than his fist.
your relationship At first, Hyemin thought YiXing was boring. But then she found out that her aegyo worked on him. After that, she started getting interested in him and began to stick to him like glue.
back-up for this love interest »Do Kyungsoo | 18 ~ Same personality


♦the side of evil

love interest »Byun Baekhyun | 18 
personality Baekhyun is your typical pretty boy. He's kind of full of himself and likes to wink and smirk if he thinks the outcome will be in his favor.
your relationship Hyemin was annoyed with how conceited Baekhyun was. Until she saw underneath the extererior, revealing a softer, more vulnerable Baekhyun. Following that, Hyemin started to get closer to him since she realized he wasn't as bad as he seemed.
back-up for this love interest »Kim Jongdae| 18 ~ same personality

do you have a preference as to which your character ends up with? Whatever works out best for you~


⁞‖⁞ rixa

rival  N/A



⁞‖⁞ aurae

comments&questions None~
any particular scenes in mind that you'd like to request? Nope~

Your favorite song at the moment: Be Ma Girl




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