SMTown Concert

a very close friend of mine is in Seoul, Korea right now and is probably peeing himself over the excitement of being able to see the concert live. 

I am so jealous of him. 

-___- but really there's nothing that i can do. except to wait for him to come home and give me  my SHINee goodies. Lol.

F.Rule, i love you man. I pray that your journey home would be safe and sound. I'll be waiting for you. At home. waiting to hear your voice that says, 'heres your SHINee!!' 


Ahaha i sound selfish? Dont worry. He was too. I only found out about him going to Seoul AND attending SMTown concert the day he was flying off.


Some friend he is.

any of you or yr friends going for the concert?


P/s: posting thru my phone so the outcome of thispost might not be so great :S sorry.


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nopeee I don't know anyone going to SM Town in Seoul...
but I went to SM Town in LA three months ago ^^