livejournal 101 ouo

first of all, i would like to say, that this is for ryoukei. also known as the crazy guy who has flawless skin myungdae.

yeah, i wrote a whole blog post about livejournal just 'cos i'm so mentor like that. (wth does that even mean)



a website where if you're super talented, you're mediocre. if you're bad, then you're really, really bad.

(i suggest using asianfanfics instead of livejournal if english isn't your first language. you may think you're good, but you're probably just normal. bad, even. it's a dangerous place. not that i'm trying to scare you, or anything.)



okay, so let's say i've created a livejournal. what do i do from there? you eat you decorate your blog, of course!

how do i decorate my blog?

there's this "journal" tab in the home page. waver your mouse over it, and click "journal style".

it is now time for you to make a decision that will follow you for the rest of your life.

if you choose the wrong option, you will be doomed with sadness and unfulfillment for the rest of your time on lj!

it's time to choose a theme.

so the themes on featured that you can afford are hella ugly, so don't pick those.

what do you like? 

type for example, what colour you want your layout to be. or what you want on your layout.

you're bound to find one that interests you. and hopefully, it'll look good.



okay, so your blog's fabulous. now all you need, is content that is just as fabulous as your layout.

otherwise, it's just disappointing. LOL.

anyway, so you go to the home page, and under your name, there's the word "post". click it.

type in a subject, for example, "hello". in the text box, you'll have to type in html. 


anyway, so to put paragraphs, you put 

< p >

without the spacing.

to cross out stuff, you put

< s >

without the spacing as well.

to embolden stuff, you put

< b >

do i need to tell you about the spacing?

for italics, use 

< i >

these are the basics in html. you don't need colours or fonts in lj.

tagging's the bad part. when you're tagging a post, you'll have to add the following stuff.

!fanfic / !fanart / !fanvideo

author: xxx / artist: xxx

pairing: xxx

genre: xxx

rating: xxx

length: xxx

these are just the basics. particular communities require different tags, so read the rules carefully.

what is a community, you ask?

well, that's our next part!

communities are groups. you know, groups on fb and stuff. it's all the same, really.

if you join a community, you can post in it, and you can also watch it.

by watching, i don't mean stalking. i mean whenever someone posts in that community, you will be notified via your friends page.

friends page? what are friends? we'll head to that later.

so you have to read the rules that the moderator has stated, or your post will be humiliated by the moderator with her comment of "this does not follow the rules. please edit it, or in 72 hours, it will be removed. if this happens two more times, you will be kicked out of this community and banned to join ever again." LOL. my friend had a sad experience. i always obey rules. bwhaha.

anyway, remember to tag your post well! that can also cause the humiliating comment!

try and copy other's layouts of posts, LOL.

then you'd have less chances of being caught. LOOOL.

communities not only let the world know you've posted something, but they can also let you meet really nice people!

onto friends..


friends are just pages you watch, that'll be updated on your friends page. that way, it's easier to track their writing without having to stalk their page.

wow that went quick. 

i guess that's it.

if you have any more questions, i'll be delighted to enlighten you. LOL.


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HI UM. i was a fan of myungdae's work and an D YOUS EEM LIKE YOURE FRIENDS WITH HIM. do you know where he's gone or when i can read his work????///

i feel so awk asking this but you've said you've deactivated anD MAYBE IF I'M LUCKY YOU WONT SEE THIS but i also wanna know omg. ok. BYE.
I have a LJ account. I have no idea how to use it. So it's just sitting there.... Collecting dust... Growing moss... e.e