Stars ahead application

Hello, it's nice to meet you~

AFF Username: Makoto

Profile Link: here :D

What's your name?:Mako


I want to know more about you~

Name: Kang Iris

Nicknames: Mir , Ri

Age: 18

Birthday: 12.23.1994

Birth place: LA California

Hometown: From Lake wood California to Seoul

Ethinicity: French Korean

Languages: Fluent: French Korean English, Conversational: Chinese

Background: She was born at Lake wood LA, she lived there until she was 10, then her family moved to Seoul. At the age of 10, both Micheal and Iris found their father, dead when they went to wake him up in the morning. It was concluded that he went in his sleep. Because their mother couldn't take the fact that he died while sleeping next to her, she decided to move them all to Korea, to try and forget. A year after moving to Seoul, their mother got into a car accident, because of her excessive drinking. When she woke up, she realize it was unfair to leave her children alon, so she cleaned up her act and started being a mother to the twins again.

In school, she and her twin brother has been the center of kids jokes and taunts because of their blue eyes. They don't let the taunts bother them, because they know that kids would always make fun of things that are different. She grew up in a music family, her mother was a music teacher, and her father was a composer. her and her brother grew up loving music. They learned to play several instruments, and dancing from the net and through covering kpop idols' mv.


Family: Julianna Blanc/46/mom/music teacher/

Kang Micheal/18/older twin brother/student/

Kang Ji hyung/48/dad/composer/deseased/

Idol Best friends: Lee Tae min

Idol friends: Lee Sungyeol, Kim Kibum (Suju)

Rivals: (Optional. If she has one, state why. Can be from SM if you like.)

Looks aren't everything~

Name of Ulzzang you're using: Jung Seo Yeong

Backup Ulzzang's name: Lee Yeun Ju

Picture links: 1 2 3 4

Backup Picture links: 1 2 3

Hair colour: Light brown

Favourite nail varnish colour: Pastel colors

Style: Iris likes to dress in simple but comfortable clothing. She dislikes long skirts/dress and heels. She also loves wearing suspenders.

Style links:

Formal 1 2 3

Casual 1 2 3 4

practice 1 2 3 4

sleep 1 2 3

accessories 1 2 3 4 5 6

Shoes 1 2 3 4

It's what's inside that counts~

Personality: Iris is an energetic outgoing teen. She loves to laugh, smile and hang out with her friends. She believes that everyone deserves asecond chance, so even if someone hurts her, if they appoligize then she forgives them. But she also believes that once trust is broken, it can never be ragained. Even if she gives someone a second chance, there's always going to be a small doubt in her mind telling her not to trust that person. Se is also easily angered when people are talking about her family, especially her twin brother Micheal. Because of this anger, she often gets into fights and trouble.

Iris is a touchy feely type of girl. She like to touch at least one person at all times, whether it's their shirts, hand, or hair. That let's her know that she's still alive. She's afraid she'll sleep and never wake up like her father. On stage, she becomes serious and charismatic, but when she's off stage she becomes silly and energetic, kind of like Infinite's Sungyeol, just not too much.

Iris loves to have fun, and her reason is 'you never know when it's your turn to leave this world.'

Though idols complain about not getting enough sleep, Iris doesn't because she fears sleeping. Because of this fear of sleep, she became a light sleeper, just a bit of noise and she's awake. This fear is caused by seeing his father, who he's really close to go to bed and not waking up the next morning. The only time she's ever able to sleep is when she's sharing a bed with her brother Micheal.

Persona: Innocent bunny/usagi

Likes: music





collecting rings and neckalaces

the rain


playing the guitar, piano & violin

plushies (bears, dog ect)

Dislikes: thunderstorms

the cold

smelly things

dirty fingernails




Habits: running her hand through her hair when she's irritated/angry

-cuddles with someone when there's thunderstorms (Micheal her twin brother)

-reads/sketches when she's bored

-randomly dancing

-playing the piano before going to bed

-talking to her teddy bear

Trivia: her and her brother have the same pinky ring that they never take off

she loves the color blue and purple

she likes learning new things

sometimes she switch places with he rbrother because he sometimes wish to be a girl


When love takes over~

Love interest: Lee Taemin

Age: 19

Backup love interest: Lee Hongki

Age: 22

Relationship: Taemin: Best friends Hongki: Friends

How you met: Taemin: Iris was getting a cup of tea after practice when she ran into Taemin, spilling her tea all over taemin's shirt. To apologize for ruining his shirt, Iris offers to buy him a new shirt, but taemin declines. They became friends, and Iris starts falling for Taemin, but she keeps her feelings hidden because she doesn't want to ruin their friendship. The only one who knows about her feelings is Micheal.

Hongki: They met at a park just before he debuted as a singer. They would always meet at that park and just talk about their troubles. He would cheer her up when she's sad or upset and she would encourage him when he feels like giving up. Even after theydebuted, she still treated him the same way she did before he debuted, making him like her more than just a friend.

How you act together: Taemin: Most of the time when they get together, they would just joke and mess around with each other. She would act as though he was just another friend, so that he won't notice her feelings. She knows he only think of her as a friend, so she tries not to make her feelings noticable.

Hongki: When they get together, he would pretend she's a boy, so that he wouldn't blurt out his feeling to her. He knows that she likes someone else, so he tries to keep his feelings to himself. He would joke and mess around with her, and when she needs help, he steps in to help her.

Everyone is talented in something~

Stage Name: Iris

Fanclub name: Innocence

Fanclub colour(s): Sky blue and lilac purple

Desired position: Lead vocals

Backup position: Main dancer

Singing links: 1 2 3

Dancing links: 1 2 3

Rapping links: (+1 and OPTIONAL!)

Specialities/Talents: playing the piano, guitar and violin

Anything else~?

Anything you'd like to tell me: (If there's something I need to add/change in the application.)

Comments: I hope this is up to your expectations :D

Suggestions for group fanclub name/ debut album songs/etc.: this fool by Wonder girls?

What's the password???: My first kpop bias is lee sungmin from suju


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