Even I got high score in Materials >_< I hate carving most of all

Okay! So this is what happen *O* Last time when we did a still-life carving O_O I got 1 as my grade *O*

So yeah it means I got perfect score ^~^ So here's what the candle carving that I did

So yeah! I got to admit I did a really great job in here but of all the hardwork I did this what happen to my left hand T_T

I even tweet at my twitter that my Carving tools should spare my left hand already T_T I know that it's part of my major as a painter to know carving but HELL this really hurts T_T

And now I'm doing another candle carving and this time we should do Jesus Christ *O* At first we think it's really hard to do it because HELLO where still a 2nd year college student O_O But yeah we still have our own style how to do it ^O^

But in the end this is what happen to me T_T I got cut again and this time it's really deep T^T

I don't even know if I should continue carving but I already got this far but my left hand is still trembling T_T

Anyway sorry for disturbing your time but I really want to put my anger from carving >_<


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WOW!! <br />
<br />
Nice carvings but i hope your hand is okay unnie!!!! XD WOw perfect score sweet. your really good at art stuff...hope your hand gets better! :) ♥ you
UWAH!!!! SUGOI!!!<br />
I hope your hand is okay now O__O And I'm happy that you got a perfect score again XDD
wow u did and awesome job ur really good ^^<br />
i hope ur ok though..ur hand did seem to be hurt bad, so many cuts i hope the new one heals soon<br />
but don't giving ur carving is beautiful ppl need 2 see ur masterpiece ^O^
you did a great job unnie!!<br />
don't give up :) keep it up.<br />
poor hand .. don't worry >< <br />
Your carving is a beauty :) <br />
and u can finish the carving of <br />
Jesus Christ! Kaw pa :)) hihihi~<br />
Go go go!
Wow your cravings are so pretty ! :D<br />
But, your hands; I hope it gets better!<br />
& congrats on your score <3
jeniscool100 #6
Awwwwwwwwwww! Your poor hand! D: <br />
But your carving turned out beautifully! Oh my goodness it's so pretty! :3<br />
And wow, making a carving of Jesus? That sounds like difficult! But for someone with your talent I'm sure you'll do it well and it'll turn out fabulously! :D <br />
Darn carving tools! I really wish they'd stop hurting your hand! >.<