『• D a y b r e a k V i r u s •』» Application!




『•  D a y b r e a k  V i r u s  •』» Application


Park Joomin


Personal info.

AFF Username: EXOticxKai
Profile Link: ;)
Activeness: 8

Additional Info: Call me Kenzie.



Character Profile.

Full Name: Park Joomin
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthdate: April 12, 1994
Spoken Languages: Korean(fluent), English(fluent)
Blood Type: O


Personality: Joomin is generally a playful and carefree girl. Whenever you need someone to turn that frown of yours upside down, Joomin would be the one that will gladly take the job, she love making peole smile after all. She is quite conceited, when she look at herself in a mirror she would says thing like "Damn! I look pretty today", in a joking manner. She has a possitive attitude, with the aspect that nothing is impossible. She's very friendly, which make it easy for people to approach her. Also sociable, could literally talk about anything, as long as its not awkward. Talkative and loud as hell, she just won't be quiet. 

Nonetheless, Joomi would be fierce when the situation required her to be so. Hot tempered, when she's mad, its like she is mad at the world. Anybody who bother her when she's pissed will receive a death glare. She's straightforward, when she want to say something she'll say right then and there, without thinking if its appropriate to say or not, can be consider as blunt. She is somewhat arrogant, thinking that she's better and more important than others. She even admitted herself that she's arrogant, and wishes to change that.

The Basic Facts

→ Winter / Snow
→ Fashion / Shoes
→ Pooh bear
→ Food
→ Fruits
→ Action movies 


→ Cats
→ Potatoes
→ Hello kitty
→ Lies / Liars
→ Romantic / Cheesiness
→ Horror movies 



→ Basketball
→ Shopping
→ Sleep
→ Eat
→ Exercise



→ Bite lips if nervous
→ Roll eyes when annoy
→ Make blowfish face if bore



→ Thunder / Rainy days
→ The Dark
→ Clowns


→ Karate
→ Fast learner
→ Cross country / fast runner
→ Sneaky



→ Easily distracted
→ Clumsy
→ Let emotion get in her way
→ Weak when its dark



→ Doesn't go out at night (get nervous & scare because of the darkness surrounding)
→ Think some of the zombies are cute
→ Treasure her snapbacks
→ Will literally scream if a zombie touches her
→ Get hungry all the times



Strength: 7/10 
Speed: 10/10 
Intelligence: 9/10, street smart
Defence: 5/10 
Stamina: 6/10 
Endurance: 4/10 
Luck: 3/10 


Additional Info:

Own a pistol, but doesn't use it.   

Uses these blade all the times.



Eohljjang image.

Eohljjang Name: Park Sora
Photos: 1 2 3 4 5 6


Back-up Eohljjang Name: Byeon Seo Eun
Photos: 1 2 3 4


Height: 169cm
Weight: 108lbs

Additional Info: She has some piercings and tattoos.



Background Check.

Background/History: Joomin was born in the US and raised in Seoul. As a child Joomin learned Karate when she was about 6 years of age. She has caring parents, and an annoying older brother. Had a loving big sister, she died at the age of 20, when she driving home from school, and was hit by a big truck on a rainy day. The reason why Joomin fear of thunder / rainy days, it gave her the feeling that she's going to lose someone she love again.

At school she is one of the athlete. Known as the Captain of the Girls Varsity Basketball team. At home she is a troublemaker, never go a day without getting scolded. Overall, there isn't much to say about her background except that she had lost dear sister.

Family Members: 

Park Byunghun | 45 | Dad | Don't know if he's dead or alive | He was a very caring dad, he can cook good food. Work as a lawyer for living. But on the day that the R29K virus was released, he never came home since. PS. He turned in a zombie but Joomin doesn't know that until one day she saw a familiar zombie that look like her dad.

Kim Jimin | 43 | Mom | Alive | She is a crazy woman who speak her mind, and don't care if it sounds harsh. Caring towards her family. She is currently living with the un-infected ones in a safe place.

Park Jaebum | 25 | Older brother | Alive He is one of those brother who like to mess and tease his sister. But nonetheless he love his Joomin very much, and also protective of her. He is currently with mom.

Park Jurin | Would've been 23 | Big sister | Deceased | Was loving and spoiled Joomin all the times.



Im YoonA | 22 | Best friend | SNSD | Alive | YoonA is exactly like Jurin, not physical but her personality. She made Joomin feel like she's with her sister again. Is with Joomin since the day the virus broke out til now.

Min | 21 | Friend | miss A | Alive | She is with other people.


Additional Info: 


Someone kiss me.


Love Interest: Kai | 18| Friend | EXO-K | He know Taekwondo
Love Interest's personality: Childish and sarcastic, he could be cold when he's not in the mood. Very awkward when it come to expressing his feeling. When they first met Joomin literally came and talk to Kai. Tease each other a lot, Joomin likes Kai but scare that he won't return the feeling, and vice versa.
Back-up Love Interest: N/A
Back-up Love Interest's personality: N/A

Scene Request?: N/A
Additional Info: 




Try not to die.


Comments: Interesting story you got there ;)
- Have like some kind of building underwater to protect those who aren't infected from the zombies. And the un-infected ones on land are trying to get there.

Death: No. I don't want to die.




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