Do you have 'The Fever'?


Do you have ‘The Fever’ ?

Oneday my father got home and show me some kinds of article about Kpop fever symptoms... I thought it’s interesting so I want to share it with u guys~

Ps: I’m not that good with English so please forgive any mistakes

20 symptoms of Kpop Fever

1.       U scream when u see a new Kpop artist picture

Hell yeah.... I screamed like everyday because of SJ’s 6jib teaser, I mean who won’t scream seeing Sungmin like a princess?!

2.       Ur foot and hands moves automatically when u hear Kpop song

Sometimes... uhh...

3.       Want to know the new Kpop news

Yeah... I check my Allkpop app like everytime the teacher walks out of the class...

4.       Make ur favorite kpop song as ur ringtone

Nah.. my phone is on vibrate

5.       U learn Korean language

Of course! I don’t want to wait for subs

6.       U collect Kpop atributes (album,posters,etc) from online shop

Sometimes.. I’m broke...

7.       Can’t sleep before u saw ur kpop poster on ur wall

Naaah... but I have their pic as my phone wallpaper

8.       U listens to kpop songs before u sleep

Listening the songs make it harder to get to sleep

9.       Ur bias or ur favorite group picture is ur computer background


10.   Willing to spend hours to memorize Kpop song lyrics

No... it just get into my head without knowing it

11.   Willing to spend ur money to download new kpop song

My parents won’t let me..

12.   Feel bad or having a bad mood when ur favorite group having problems or breaking up

Yeah... last year... dream team recording, they’re hurt and I cried a lot..

13.   U buy all magazine that have kpop article in it


14.   Act like freak when u see ur bias kissed someone else

Nah... it’s time, he’s too old already.. but Eunhae couple...

15.   Always imagine that u could go to Korea someday

I’m over it...

16.   Write weird things on ur books,table,hand or anything u could write on

I wrote SuperJunior on all of my books cover

17.   Always buy everything that related to Korea

Don’t have the money

18.   Support shows that introduce the Korean society

Yeah.. pretty much

19.   Go to kpop gatherings

In my country that happen  a lot so... yeah

20.   Promise to always love you favorite group

I’m an ELF.... Everlasting Friend


So....  I got like 15 right so I think I have the fever

I went to see a doctor and they said :

Super Junior fever caused by ELF virus

·         Pathogens : Super Junior organisms

·         Variations : There are 15 different species of this virus

·         Symptoms : Spasm, Fangirlsm, Insomnia, Sapphire blue colour, nose bleeding

·         Complications : Permanent ual frustration, empty bank accounts,constant OTP spotting

·         Incubation time : +/- 4 minutes

·         Prevention : None, try to avoid people with the fever

·         Risk groups : mainly women between 12 and 25 years old

·         Remedy : no remedy against this virus

·         Healing : Incurable

·         Spreading : worlwide

So.. How bout u?




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