{ ☁ in the summer - Lee Haejung }



{ in the summer}
hello! who are you ?
[ name ] - Lee Haejung
[ nickname ] - LiHae, Hae (only for people she is close to)
[ birthday + age ] - 06/20/1990 - 22
[ birthplace ] - Busan
[ hometown ] - Seoul
you're my beautiful target
[ ulzzang name ] - Kim Sooyeon
[ the pictures ] - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
[ back up ulzzang ] - Park Hwanhui
[ the pictures ] - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.
[ extras ] - earrings.


i want to know more about you
[ personality ] -  She doesn't like to see the people around her sad therefore she will go up to them and try to strike an conversation and make them smile. She believes that you shouldn't force people to say their problems when they don't want to instead you should make them feel better first then wait for the right time to ask what is wrong. She also doesn't like to see people being left out, Haejung would be teased sometimes as a detector because once she sees someone on their own she will go and talk to them - people never sees her alone. Haejung is like the mum of the group, taking care of the girls and making sure nothing is bothering them once in a while when she is happy she will make a meal for all of the girls and they will enjoy it together.
However, being the leader of the group she sometimes overuses the title. In reality Haejung is the nagging queen and will force the younger ones to do the chores or the things that she can't be bothered to do. She expects everything to be perfect once she ordered someone to do it, she rarely gives out complement such as "good work" but once she does you should be proud. Other times she will just tell them to do it all over again and bring them to a treat later. The other girls will always come to her if they are in need of advice but when it is her own problems she doesn't know what to do about it, it turns out that it was the girls who tell her what to do.
[ background ] - She lived her childhood days in Busan where all of her family was including her grandparents and her cousins. Both of her parents will always go easy on her and let her do anything she wants except for partying and drugs, why they didn't let her do those things she understood but there is one thing she will never understand is that her parents never lets her have a boyfriend. Her parents still baby her and thinks that she isn't ready for a relationship yet because of all the hurtful things that will come with it. 
However, being the rebel she is (hahaha) when her crush came up to her and ask if she wants to go out with him, without a second thought she shouted "YES!". But because they were both young at the time - they were both probably 15 - they didn't do anything other them going out to the movies or the arcade. When she found out that she will have to move to Seoul because of her parent's work they made a promise that they will still keep in contact. True, they still kept in contact but as time went on they started to drift apart and they will be just sending 6-7 emails a month. They broke up after she had moved to Seoul for 7 months and she haven't been in a relationship since.
[ likes ]
  1. Candy
  2. Looking at skies
  3. Eating
  4. Milk (Hot/cold)
  5. Cute things
  6. Animals
  7. Sweet things (sometimes overly sweet)
  8. Amusement parks
[ dislikes ]
  1. Tea
  2. Raw food
  3. People who lies
  4. Sour things
  5. Spicy food
  6. Cockroaches
  7. Thunder
  8. Bitter things
[ hobbies ]
  1. Walking around in the park
  2. Listening to music
  3. Cooking
  4. Browsing the internet
  5. Talking to other people
[ habits ]
  1. Chews on her lips when thinking
  2. Stuttering when shocked or anxious
  3. Playing with her fingers when uneasy
  4. Likes on lean on to things or even people when she is tired or bored
[ trivia ] 
  1. She loves pastel colours
  2. Has a soft spot for cute things and agyeo
  3. When she is scared or shock she doesn't scream instead she she stays still and can't say a word
  4. You can sometimes bribe her with sweets but if you use agyeo she is more likely to give in (except when you are doing chores no one gets away with that MUAHAHA!! umm...- -")
  5. She can't sleep without a blanket
  6. Likes it more when people text message her rather than calling her because she thinks that it shows that you are putting more effort in it rather than just pressing "call"
[ storyline ] Your're my girl


they are the precious people on my life
[ family ] 
- Lee Haesoo / 49 / Doctor / Alive / at home he is very carefree and tries his best to be the leader of the family and make his wife and kids smile but very serious at work / Father
Lee Yoonri / 48 / Housewife / Alive / The one who confronts the children and tell them the dos and don'ts. Knows her child really well and can tell what they feel by how they behave straight away / Mother
- Lee Byunghun (Teen Top) / 18 / Student  / Alive / Very close to Haejung and both of them will always talk to each other and play around together. He sometimes act like a older brother rather than a younger brother because he will always be there to protect her - sometimes he can be very overprotective of her / Brother
[ friends ] 
- Kim Himchan (B.A.P) / 22 / Trainee / Easy going but when he sense that something is wrong with Haejung he will quickly come to her to cheer her up. They both like to tease each other and will always hang out together as well. Haejung feels at ease when she is next to Himchan and will always smile and laugh when she is with him more than other people / Best friends (Known each other for 10 years)
- Kim Minseok (EXO-M) / 22 / waiter / Will always hang out with Haejung and Himchan but will always be the one that gets teased the most when they are together becasue of his chubby face - Himchan and Haejung likes to pinch them hahaha. The one which always suggests going to different places when they are going out / close friend (known each other for 6 years)
[ rival ]  
 Eunjung (T-ARA) / 23 / Trainee / She is a very competitive person and con do anything to be on top of the other trainees but in when she is with her friends she can be very caring and helpful / Rivals because when Himchan was rumoured that he was going to debut she injured him because of jealously - he never did though.
[ exes ]
- Luhan (EXO-M) / 22 / Model / A cheery person which the people next to him will always have a smile on their face because of things he is saying or doing. A very lovable person because everyone adores him. Luhan had just moved to Seoul to live his dreams as a model / Haejung's only boyfriend in her life but because they broke up because they both drifted apart they both wanted to see each other and talk to each other again as friends.


i think i'm in love
[ partner ]  
Kim Sunggyu / 23 / Part-time singer in the cafe
[ personality ] 
Before you know him you will assume that he is the type of guy which doesn't talk much and will always keep his cool but when you get to really know him he will be the person which can always put a smile on your face because of all the stupid things he will do. He is a very friendly person but once you get on his bad side he will not even look at you and will always ignore you. He is the most innocent 23 year old you can find because he will have the most childish arguments with his friends and will sometimes do agyeo to make them laugh. 
[ relationship ] 
Haejung was coming into work and heard the most angelic voice she ever hear come out of a human being but she was shocked because there was a random stranger singing in her friend's cafe. Later she found out that the singer's name was Kim Sunggyu and he was the new singer the cafe had hired to lift the mood up. She fell in love with Sunggyu's voice but she will always be confused to why she will always daydream about him and her dating and not just his singing voice. She will never believe that it is love (like what the girls had said) because she had never talked to the man before in her life and he once saw Sunggyu with a woman and believed that she was his girlfriend - the other reason why she thought she will never have a chance with him.
Sunggyu however already fell in love with her because of the way she will smile when she hear him sing and when he sometimes overhear her conversations with her friends when they have their lunch breaks and he can't help but smile at Haejung's cuteness and how caring she is. He even talked to her friends sometimes to know more about her but told them to keep it a secret to Haejung because he doesn't want to be seen as a stalker. hahaha.
do you have something in mind ?
[ suggestion/comment/anything else ]
If there is something you want me to change feel free to tell me and I will edit it as fast as I can and sorry that the partner part might not be to your expectations but if you want me to change something I will be happy to do so haha XD. I hope you like her and put her into consideration ^^. FIGHTING!! >O<
[ requests] Nope ^^
[ password ] 
At first I thought it was going to be really hard but then I remember the Trouble maker performance hehe. Here is some yeoljong for you! ClickClick!!. kljdsaf;lkjdalfkj THEY KISSED!!!! 



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