Questions Tag~

I got tagged by vocbirdpic! I'm lazy so I'm not going to tag anyone else OTL OTL OTL But I shall answer questions because I love answering questions, haha.


~ My Questions ~

1. Sweet or sour? Hmmmm sweet.

2. Favorite country? South Korea, England, Canada

3. ^-^ Favorite type of music? Kpop, English pop, rock/punk, pop music in general...let's be honest lmao

4. How many anime conventions have you gone to? Zero. I'm like the last person on earth to know nothing about anime or manga.

5. Would you rather be part cat, part bird, part fish, or part tree? Part fish, I wanna be underwater :)

6. About how many hours do you spend on AFF each day? Last summer it would be like... hours LOL Now, I only check in every now and then ;~;

7. What's worse, math or history? Math. At least with history you can memorize things, haha. Math involves "understanding".

8. Do you know what Vocaloid is? NOPE OTL

9. (I'm gonna copy this from FlameForever, who tagged onlythebest24.) One person in the world who you would meet if you could? Hmm... Taemin. LET'S BE HONEST.

10. If you met that person, what would you say? Hi ._.;;

11. Can't think of anything else - favorite color? Seafoam green


Omg this was fun. I enjoyed this more than I should have, haha.


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vocbirdpic #1
-_- Why are all my friends too lazy to tag other people?
Lol, well, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)