Yesterday day 7

Ok so yesterday breakfast was egg and tomato omelette. And a veggie meat pattie. It taste like meat. Yay. Dinner was spaghetti . Ground Beef but not actually meat it's veggie. It was good. I still kinda miss my meat not gonna lie. Oh and I start school on Tuesday. I'm not ready I'm kinda nervous. Because I want to have my friends in my classes so I won't feel lonely. Cuz for me I'm very shy and it's hard for me to make new friends. *sigh* I don't know why it's so freakin hard. And  that day my parents always take me somewhere out to eat. And now I can't cuz all the places we go out to have meat and not all that much vegetarian stuff. I want meat. Sizzler Denny's la buffet some where. T_T. Anywhere. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


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