Insomnia (tips plz)

OMG my insomia is getting worse by the day.

Im so effin tired ive been like ready to sleep for the past 8 hours but i cannot sleep.

Its currently 12 in the afternoon and i still cant sleep no matter how hard i try.

I have laid in bed for the padt hr with my eues closed trying to sleep but i just cant

i only sleep like 6-7 hrs a day but it seems like less considering i always wake up.

My head freakin hurts and im ready to sleep but i obviously cant.

Im soooooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated.

any tips besides going to a doc since currently at this time it is impossible.


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drink warm milk? it does help me all the time. ^_^
close your eyes and pretend you are sleeping and think about what kind of dream you want to have it helps me ^-^ I hope it helps you too