Matchmaker of the Red String of Fate Application


♥ Matchmaker Of The Red Strings Of Fate ♥



This Is Me

Username: Spazztastic045

Profile Link::

Activity Level: [From a scale of 1-10, how often are you on AFF?] 10

Name: [What do you want me to call you?] Spazz is fine.


Very Important You

Name: Kim Yong Sook

Nickname: Mario (when she was in middle school, her mom made her get a perm and her hair came out waaaaayyy to curly so she went to school wearing a red cap to try and cover it up. Pluse she's part Italian so the name stuck)

Age: 17

Birthday: Feb. 23

Birthplace: Padua, Italy (lived there till she was 5 then moved)

Hometown:: Gyeonggi, South Korea 

​Ethnicity: Korean, Italian

​Languages:Korean (fluent), Italian (average),


​Mirror Mirror

​Ulzzang Name: Jung Hye Won

Links: (tons of pics there)

​Back Ulzzang Name: Mikki

​Links:  (again, all the pics there)

​Fashion Style: Funny fitted tee's and jeans (any kind, ripped, skinny, bootcut), sweatpants, shorts, and cargos. Dresses/skirts are for special occasions only ;P Some examples of shirts she would wear:

While not being too hooked on accesories, she does love to wear patterns and bright colors. Do they have to match? Absolutely not. Tacky is this girl's middle name. As long as it's comfortable and easy to run in, she's good. 

​Extra: She's got a floral tatt going from her right shoulder curving down her spine and ending on the left side of her hip. Kinda looks like this:


​Volume Up

​Personality: Yong Sook is a really mellow kind of girl. She's quiet most of the time but always has a little smile on her face. If she does speak, it's always in a slow, drawn out kind of voice unless she's angry. Then her pitch gets higher and louder and well, she just sounds like a foghorn. She's nice with a big sense of humour and willing to help anybody if she can. She's patient and listens to everyone's troubles but has a hard time of being honest with her feelings and telling people what she herself is going through. As the oldest sister, she was taught to bear her feelings for the good of others and not make it harder on them. Unfortunately this made it harder on her, so she has to find oher methods of releasing her emotions (drawing). She has no problem complimenting other people and always ignores mean comments made about herself. Her self esteem is high enough that she's confident in how she looks but not conceited.

​Persona: Eeehh Idk, if i had to label it I'd call her a Laidback Jokester.

​History/Background:  While she was born in Italy, Yong Sook's been raised in Korea for the majority of her life so she knows the customs and fits in well except her skin isn't as milky as the other people around her (it's just a little more tanned). Her mother is Korean and loves to splurge so she's irresonsible with her money. Because of this the family has had to suffer some hard financial times especially when they moved to Korea. Her father is a well off full blooded Italian businessman/carpenter who makes furniture while selling and trading it. When she first moved to Korea she hated it,  mostly because of one peson: Sungyeol. He was constantly making fun of her because she spoke Korean with an accent, she could barely read, and she wasn't smart. Yong Sook could ignore everyone and everything but Sungyeol, he really got under her skin.The two fought all the time, physically and verbally but mostly physically. She truly admires her father and wants to be more like him, responsible, so she takes care of her brothers and sisters almost like a mother if they didn't actually have one.

​Family: Geovani Mulinello|| 48| Amiable, hardworking, considerate, authoritive|| Father

Kim Yuna|| 45|| Fun, outgoing, irrational, careless, loving, flirtatious|| Mother

David|| 15|| complete gamefreak, funny, compassionate|| brother

Serena|| 14|| obessed fangirl of DBSK, extremely girly, shallow|| sister

Roberto|| 11|| energetic sportsfan who loves soccer and playing with his dad|| brother

Lucas|| 8|| quiet, awkward, loves to read with Yong Sook and clings to her the most|| brother

Dongho|| 3|| cute and cuddly like any other toddler|| brother

​Friends: Kevin Lee|| 17|| classic narccisst obsessed with being the school Kingka, really dumb|| friend since highschool

Lee Soomin|| 16||  (girl) gorgeous, affectionate, romance loving, dramatic best friend of Yong Sook|| friend since middleschool

Kim Myung Soo|| 18||weird but cute guy || friend since highschool

​Likes: Bright colors, pasta, music, kittens, electronics

​Dislikes: Skulls,high heels , homework, cleaning, roses

​Hobbies: [Drawing, playing the piano and bass guitar, making origami

​Pet Peeves:The ticking sound of a clock, when people take food off her plate, being rushed

​Fears: Falling down stairs, her mother and father getting a divorce, dark enclosed spaces

​Habits: Since facial expression is the only way of knowing how Yong Sook feels because she won't tell you, she tends to react with extreme facial expressions. Dances whenever its quiet to relieve some of the awkward tension.

​Trivia:Because she likes music so much she's never without an ipod/mp3 and some high def headphones.

She's a real tech freak so her room is just filled with all this electronic junk only she knows how to use.

Her grades in school are barely passing but, her drawing skills are out of this world. 

She's got a serious weakness for pastries.

The Chaser

Love Interest: Sungyeol

​Back Up Love Interest: Yong Guk

​Personality:In short he's childish, funny, and mischevious. He teases those he likes and likes who he teases. Unfortunately him and Yong Sook don't really understand each other. To her he's insufferable and nothing but a bully. His fun in life is her shame and embarassment which is why he thought making her fall in love with him, the guy he hated, would be the best stunt ever done. To him she's just a stupid dork who's fun to mess with and his personal plaything. Anybody else messes with her and he gets jealous. Mainly because she jokes around with anybody else who jokes with her but always ignores or fights him when he tries to mess with her. 

​Age: 17

​Relationship: Classmate since middle school

​How You Act Around Each Other: He teases her verbally, she ignores him. He continues to verbally and she snaps back. He teases her physically (pulling her hair, throwing crayons, shooting spitballs etc.) and she attacks. They usually end up in the principal's office with bruises and scratches.

How You Met: When Yong Sook moved to Korea they were neighbors. The first time they met, his mom and he came over to introduce themelves. While their parents were talking they were in another room playing with Yong Sook's toys when he found a book and asked her to read it to him. She couldn't cause she didn't know how and he called her stupid so she cried and he stole her toy when his mother took him home. Naughty, naughty, naughty.

​I'm Genie For You

Comments: WOOO!! I'M SO EXCITED!! Can't wait to see all the stories you make and which characters you pick. even if you don't pick mine, I'll tag along for the ride. The stories sounds so great themselves I know you'll do an awesome job writing them with the other characters. Good luck with the hw! Thanks for letting me apply and helping me out. Hope I did that Ulzzang part right. Lemme know if it's a bad pic and I need to change it. Thanks again!

​Requested Scene: If you could do something really cute like him trying to play the piano and messing up but then she helps him buy holding his hand and guiding his fingers, or she gets locked in a closet somewhere and he saves her so she hugs him, or he gets hurt and she helps him... idk something cute. X]

​Password: InfiniteInspirit



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