FreeStyle :: Shin No Eul


.the real life

AFF username:  Harasofea
Profile link: Click!

.about you

Character name: Shin No Eul
Nickname: Noelle, Eul, little Qri.
Birthplace: Busan, South Korea.
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea.
Ethinicity:  Full Korean.
Language: Korean,English fluently, especially Busan dialect.
Bloodtype:  O

Personality: No Eul, she loves to be called Noelle. She is very talented and she knows it, everyone loves her. She is friendly and very mature, but she is not innocent. She has erted mind and sometimes her jokes came out really wrong.She always gets scolded by the main dancer. She has a habit of using foul words when shes surprised or angry. She is very naive and clueless, though she is very mature when leading the group. She is dependable and knows how to give advice about the work. Everyone thinks she's care free, but shes not, she worries alot and thinks alot. 
Likes: Latte || Animals || Food || B.A.P || Teen Top || T-Ara || Cakes.
Dislikes: Annoying Kids || Yellow || Bugs || High Heels || Meetings || Exams.


  • She was nickname as little Qri because of her resemblances to her cousin Qri from T-ara
  • She is a shiksin
  • She works part time at her parent's noraebang
  • She was a model for online shop when she was 8.
  • She and Qri used to model together when she was 13.
  • Her idol is Qri and Ailee.
  • Her Busan dialect will come out when shes excited or angry.



Ulzzang name: Noelle Nguyen.
Ulzzang photos:
Back-up Ulzzang name: --
Back-up Ulzzang photos: ---
Weight: 50kg
Height: 170cm


Background: No Eul, was born in a family of musicians. Her parents were both musical singers and her dad was also a musician. Her older sister, Ga Eul, is the first family member step into acting world. When No Eoul was 7, her parents took her to vocal and ballet classes and at age of 9 she joined modelling through internet shop. After that they moved to Seoul after her parents quit their jobs and opened a norabang near bucheon.She entered numorous singing contests at age of 10 and won 1st of most them. 
Family members: Shin Nam Hyuk//52//Musician & Norabang owner//Dad.

                                Hwang Mi Yeon//49// Former singer// Mom.

                                Shin Ga Eul // 19 // Student/Actress// Sister.

                                Shin Mi Hyuk // 21 // Student//Brother.


Best friends: Hwang Minhyun//17//Idol//Kindegarten classmate.

                       Choi Minki // 17 // Idol// Elementary schoolmate.

                        Jung Hye Rim //18//Idol// Vocal class Sunbae. 
Rival: none.


Love Interest: Hwang Minhyun of NU'EST.
Relationship with you: Childhood friends.
Personality: He looks very calm and quiet, but he is a dork and always brags about his height. But he is very gentleman, he put people first than himself. 
How did you meet him: They met when their were kids in kindergarten.

Back-up Love Interest: 
Relationship with you: -
How did you meet him:-

.life as an idol

Stage Name: No Eul 
Your stage name meaning: Sunset
Persona: Charismatic Leader
Desired position: Leader and Lead Vocals
Back-up position: --

Vocals : 1.2.3

Dance: 1(orange cap).2.3

Rap: --

Side job : Model.

.anything more?

Comments: --






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