tara bullying hwayoung and she got kick out?!

 Im actually happy for Hwayoung. She doesn’t deserve to be in a group and company that treats her like garbage. Hearing and seeing all the things that T-ara have done to her just makes me sick. T-ara have lost a lot of respect and fans and I’m glad for that, everyone except for Dani are es, even Qri for just standing by the sidelines and watching. KKS has got to be the dumbest person to live on this planet. His excuses don’t make freaking sense and just comes with more crap every time. And making threats towards the girl in public, seriously? This has no shame. I hope nothing happens to Hwayoung’s twin when she’s still in his grasp. With Dani practically still a kid, I wonder how T-ara will treat her in the group; if there is gonna still be a group. In the end, I hope Hwayoung moves on to bigger and better things and make CCM and T-ara regret what they lost.

All thos pictures and videos are just too much for someone to say its all fake and rumors. I mean i can understand it its like 2-3 time where they ignore her, but when theres like 9-10 pic and video clips showing them ignoring her and treating her like an outcast,its hard to say that its rumors. And I think they didn't even stand up for her when she was kick out so thats a sign they really didnt like her. and for hwayoung to stay silence, it gives me the answer at this situation. T-ara COMPLETELY lost all of my respect for them, i will never look at the same like before. 


This is my opinion and it might be harsh to some of you how are Queens and love T-ara but its really how i feels so yea wat do you guys think give me your honest answer :)) And please read all of it -.- though im asking too much..


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i don't t-ara but i hate ccm they did nothing to find out the true and how they salove it by kicking out hwayoung she was a good friend and thst's how they treat a friend ccm just laost all hopeto they star.
haha lol.. okay thnx xD
I like your post!